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  • Thread Starter toposwope



    I tried downgrading to 1.3.4 – same error.
    I just downgraded to 1.3.2 and it works.

    For now I will use this version but would prefer to be on latest version.


    I’m getting this error as well using 1.3.5 and WP 3.5.2. At first I thought it meant that the openssl extension hadn’t been enabled on the server where I’m hosting the site but then I was able to get BBB to work so it has to be the plugin.


    Plugin Author J Federico


    There is a major change in the way the meeting ids are generated since 1.3.4. In order to implement direct access to meetings using just one click, the meeting Id is generated using the token as a seed. The tokenId is generated based on openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(), this makes a short code unlikely to collide.

    Yes, we can change the code for 1.3.6 but to solve your problem with 1.3.5 you need to make sure you have openssl extension enabled in your PHP install

    What version of php are you using?

    Plugin Author J Federico


    I made a change to solve this issue that is in the trunk or in the github repository

    If you want to give it a try before you update your php. It should work in both cases now. Let me know how it goes.


    Thanks for the response! I’m on PHP version 5.2.17. I’m running this particular site on Bluehost (shared hosting) right now but can try it on a dedicated server later. I used your updates and that got rid of the fatal error. Now in debug mode it only spits out an undefined variable length notice on line 1387.

    Now the problem is that it still doesn’t generate a meeting room:

    id meeting message

    It does now create the “Join X” button in the widget (it didn’t before you made the change):

    button created

    However, when I click on the widget I get this message: “Sorry an error occured while joining the meeting.”:

    error on click

    Update: I upgraded to PHP version 5.3.26 and the above is true on >5.3 as well. I’ve tried this on 3.5.1 and 3.5.2.

    Thread Starter toposwope


    I am using PHP version 5.2.17.

    I had previously uncommented…


    …in php.ini but still same error.


    Thread Starter toposwope


    Update: Upgraded PHP and then upgraded to 1.3.5 and so far so good. Thanks!

    Plugin Author J Federico


    Thanks nathanegraham, I am sorry for the the inconvenience, I miss that one. If you can please try it one more time, it should work this time. If it doesn’t, well Ill be here ??

    toposwope, yes, that was my guess. v1.3.5 just won’t work on PHP 5.2, period. I am glad you solved your problem. You shouldn’t have this problem anymore with your new configuration. Although if in the future you need to run it on PHP 5.2 you better use v1.3.6, we are going to release it once we completed these fixes.

    Thanks again for your hard work here. I’m now able to launch meeting sessions from the widget. That’s the big hurdle and it’s working great! Really exceeded expectations. However, a major problem still exists and it’s that I can’t view the rooms I’ve created or presentations I’ve recorded in Settings–>Big Blue Button.

    Here are my existing BBB sessions as viewed through the widget:

    BBB widget

    But when I try to delete, edit, or view existing presentations or recordings in settings–>Big Blue Button under List of Meeting Rooms it says:

    “You must specify a meeting ID for the meeting.
    There are no recordings available.”

    like this:

    id meeting message

    Plugin Author J Federico


    Are you using test-install or your own BigBlueButton server?

    When the configuration is not correct you won’t be able to see any of the meetings created. This is because the plugin asks bigbluebutton for the status of these meetings. If there is no BBB server or is not properly configured it cannot have that info.

    Go back to the original configuration (which you can copy and paste from the right of the config boxes) and test it again.

    As I said in the other post, it is something that we can change in the future, but for now it is how it works.

    Plugin Author J Federico


    Well, it might be a little bug I just introduced when added this fix for legacy servers.

    I am afraid I must to say, try again! ??

    The problem is that I don’t have a legacy web server right now and I really don’t want to install it, but if the problem persist I will need to do it.

    Thanks for helping on this test.

    Thank you for your hard work here! We are so close. I think we’ve almost nailed it. And by “we” I mean “you” :). After your most recent change I can now see the list of Recordings when I go to Settings–>BigBlueButton.

    However, the list of Meeting rooms still aren’t showing up so there’s no way for me to modify or delete them. In the widget I have created 5 meeting rooms and I can select them from the drop down. That’s all good but then when I go to Settings–>BigBlueButton it just gives me the message “You must specify a meeting ID for the meeting.” under “List of Meeting Rooms”.

    I’m using the test server at I’m going to set this up on the university dedicated server once I get this working. The test server doesn’t seem to be a problem since I’m able to now view the recordings without issue.

    Here’s what I’m seeing in Settings–>BigBlueButton


    Plugin Author J Federico


    It seems that your database is corrupted.

    Did you uninstall and re-install the plugin? Because if you don’t you are using a database with corrupted meetingIDs.

    You can also edit the database directly and make sure the tokenId is there. But uninstalling and installing the plugin again is easier.

    By the way I just tested the new version with php 5.2.17 and it worked fine for me. I don’t think there is more I can do on my end.


    That did it. Thanks for your great support and work! Running great now.

    Plugin Author J Federico


    Awesome!, Good to know.


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