I got the site up and running (it belongs to a client, so I had to get ftp details from them). Weirdly, the non www address is still with the fatal error, but the www version is now running again. When I tried to activate disable blogging, the message says Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
The same error as I posted. I don’t have access to their customer control panel, but the theme has a system report panel, and tells me that it is PHP5.4.45
As you may know, GoDaddy do some weird stuff to their WordPress Hosting, and I had pleaded with the client not to use them, to no avail.
Anyway, looking at the code, as you do, the function in question is admin_greeting and it has no return string. So, between lines 76 and 77 I inserted an extra line, so there are now three lines:
return $wp_admin_bar;
It now works fine, although this may not be what you had intended that function to do (which I suspect was to remove the Howdy …. maybe?)