• When navigate to the login page of InfiniteWP (not the client plugin) I receive a fatal error with PHP 8.0

    Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function appErrorHandler(), 4 passed and exactly 5 expected in /v3/includes/commonFunctions.php:561 Stack trace: #0 /v3/includes/db.php(43): appErrorHandler(2, 'Undefined array...', '/...', 43) #1 /v3/controllers/appFunctions.php(10): DB::connect('localhost', '....', '.........', '........', '3306') #2 /v3/includes/app.php(68): DBConnectAndSetOptions() #3 /v3/login.php(11): include('/.......') #4 {main} thrown in /v3/includes/commonFunctions.php on line 561

    So I have to switch back to PHP 7.4.x otherwise I can?t use it or I have to search another solution/plugin.

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  • Plugin Author infinitewp


    Hello Angelika,

    Thank you for reaching out to us here. We are already aware of this issue, and our upcoming update release of the IWP admin panel will get this sorted out.

    Could you please write an email to help at infinitewp dot com to send you the patch files to fix the errors?

    Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns further.


    Thread Starter Angelika Reisiger


    I am sorry, I can’t support you with this bug. Since I have clients with PHP 8.0 installed, I had to install another plugin/solution. I don’t use InfiniteWP anymore.

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