• Resolved Ovidiu


    hi there,
    I use the one click plugin updater, and updated soem plugins today. I do not remember which ones, as I used the mass upgrade function.

    After that when I click on DESIGN => WIDGETS in my backend I get the following error:

    Fatal error: Nesting level too deep - recursive dependency? in /var/www/web6/web/wordpress/wp-includes/widgets.php on line 266

    anyone already got this problem? Otherwise I’ll have to wait another day until someone else updates his plugins and gets this error :-)plugi

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  • i am using PHP 4.x

    I got the same error when I tried the “fix 3”

    Notice: List of active widgets is empty. Creating it with $this->get_active_widgets() now. Do you see anything in the drop-drown list of widgets?

    I’m not getting anymore errors now. In the widget options, the drop down says

    widget list empty error no. 1

    I’m running
    mysql 4.1.22
    php 4.4.6

    Fantastic plugin btw.

    banderwocky and everyone else, could you please try version 0.75. It turned out that PHP 4.3.6 was the guilty one. Starting from 4.3.7 everything was working OK.


    Hi again

    I tried both the .75 and .76 versions, and neither throw an error anymore.

    However neither one shows Categories as an option in the Tabbed Widgets Settings drop down menus, and when I select Links: Blogroll in the dropdown menus nothing is propogated to the homepage.

    You can view at https://www.whollysurrender.com

    Any ideas? Thanks.


    Some additional information I have found.

    The start tab radio button does not seem to work either for my accordian view.

    Also the tabs views shows all the tabs, but the content of each one shows up simultaneously on the page.



    micahmathis, I can see Categories in my drop-down menu. Also, your website does have both Categories and Links in the tabbed widget.

    Regarding the start tab radio button — it is now fixed in 0.77; please download it from https://downloads.www.ads-software.com/plugin/tabbed-widgets.0.77.zip

    The links have started working as long as all the tabs are filled, but if you look in the categories tab you will notice I have temporarily filled it with the Pages instead. Categories does not even show up as an option in my drop down list.

    Is there a setting somewhere else in WP that has to be turned for categories to be made available to Tabbed Widgets?

    Here is what my dropdown menus contain:
    ST: Tag Cloud 1
    Pages: Pages
    Archives: Archive
    Links: Blogroll
    Meta: Meta
    Recent Posts: Recent Posts
    Tag Cloud: Tags
    Recent Comments: Recent Comments
    Statistics: Firestats
    Popular Posts: Popular Posts

    I will try .77 when I get home tonight to see if that fixes the start tab option. Thanks for the quick reply.


    Hi again

    I just upgraded to .77 via the WP upgrade tool, and it did fix the start tab option. It works great now.

    I am still missing the Categories option from the drop down menu though. Any ideas?



    micahmathis, could you please let me know the exact version of PHP that you are using.

    I have no idea why Categories are not being displayed. I would know why if all other default WordPress widgets were not there, but with only Categories missing — I really don’t know.

    I just checked and I am running 4.3.11



    Ok, I am not sure if this will help, but I was just playing around, and if enable Categories in the regular area then Categories show up as an available option in the Tabbed Widgets drop down menus.

    However if turn back off Categories in the regular widgets area the option is lost and the tabbed widget category section becomes empty.

    It is as if the regular widget has to be enabled for the Categories option to exist. The only problem with that is that the categories then show up twice in my sidebar.

    Hope that helps shed some light.


    Ok, one more update.

    I have found a work around. If I enable categories in the “Invisible Widget Area” categories will then show up as an option in the tabbed widgets drop down menu without showing up in the actual sidebar.

    I know this not fix the plugin really, but it does make it possible for me to continue to use it.

    Thanks so much for all your help. I really do love this plugin and am excited that I can continue to use it.

    Keep up the great work.


    I upgraded to .77 and everything works fine now except “Related Posts” doesn’t show up anymore in the drop down list.

    to me – this now works fine – thank you.

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