• Resolved dan_1


    Thoughts on the below message? Happens only when WP ecommerce plugin is active. If I deactivate and delete the plugin, the error goes away. Thanks!

    Fatal error: WPSC_Countries::get_countries(): The script tried to execute a method or access a property of an incomplete object. Please ensure that the class definition "WPSC_Data_Map" of the object you are trying to operate on was loaded _before_ unserialize() gets called or provide a __autoload() function to load the class definition in /home/content/p3nexnas05_data03/62/2100362/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-e-commerce/wpsc-includes/wpsc-countries.class.php on line 462

    Fatal error: WPSC_Countries::_dirty(): The script tried to execute a method or access a property of an incomplete object. Please ensure that the class definition "WPSC_Data_Map" of the object you are trying to operate on was loaded _before_ unserialize() gets called or provide a __autoload() function to load the class definition in /home/content/p3nexnas05_data03/62/2100362/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-e-commerce/wpsc-includes/wpsc-countries.class.php on line 1142


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  • this is a direct link to the must current checkup plugin


    Add it to your cart and checkout, it’s free.

    A slightly older version is in the WordPress plugin repository.

    – jeff

    website is https://www.swgameproduction.com and it is hosted by godaddy. tried to install the pugin but couldnt. i keep getting an error. I am not really a backend software guy…. any chance you could access it and take a look for yourself?

    nvm i foudn the plugin through the search in WP. i installed and ran it and there are 3 errors that come back…

    [productspage] secure https://swgameproduction.com/products-page/
    URL check failed SSL: certificate subject name ‘*.gdhperf.com’ does not match target host name ‘swgameproduction.com’

    [shoppingcart] secure https://swgameproduction.com/products-page/checkout/
    URL check failed SSL: certificate subject name ‘*.gdhperf.com’ does not match target host name ‘swgameproduction.com’

    [transactionresults] secure https://swgameproduction.com/products-page/transaction-results/
    URL check failed SSL: certificate subject name ‘*.gdhperf.com’ does not match target host name ‘swgameproduction.com’

    [userlog] secure https://swgameproduction.com/products-page/your-account/
    URL check failed SSL: certificate subject name ‘*.gdhperf.com’ does not match target host name ‘swgameproduction.com’

    all of the above is complete giberish to me. I would have no idea on how to approach fixing any of these issues.

    PlymouthCRAFT.org is hosted by GoDaddy, and I’m pretty sure it is shared…

    Like squbrossi, I used the site check-up plug-in and got some similar results, plus an ominous warning at the top. Also like squbrossi, I have no comprehension of these results:
    Warning: Memcache::connect(): Can’t connect to, Connection refused (111) in /home/content/p3pnexwpnas01_data02/22/2223122/html/wp-content/plugins/site-check-up-for-wp-ecommerce/cleanup-actions.php on line 249
    Could not connect to memcache server
    WPeC Products 17
    WPeC Variations 0
    Orphaned WPeC Variations 0
    WPeC Pages Permalinks
    [productspage] https://plymouthcraft.org/?page_id=1256
    URL is OK 4.0 seconds
    [productspage] secure https://plymouthcraft.org/?page_id=1256
    URL check failed SSL: certificate subject name ‘*.gdhperf.com’ does not match target host name ‘plymouthcraft.org’
    [shoppingcart] https://plymouthcraft.org/?page_id=1258
    URL is OK 1.9 seconds
    [shoppingcart] secure https://plymouthcraft.org/?page_id=1258
    URL check failed SSL: certificate subject name ‘*.gdhperf.com’ does not match target host name ‘plymouthcraft.org’
    [transactionresults] https://plymouthcraft.org/?page_id=1259
    URL is OK 1.6 seconds
    [transactionresults] secure https://plymouthcraft.org/?page_id=1259
    URL check failed SSL: certificate subject name ‘*.gdhperf.com’ does not match target host name ‘plymouthcraft.org’
    [userlog] https://plymouthcraft.org/?page_id=1260
    URL is OK 1.3 seconds
    [userlog] secure https://plymouthcraft.org/?page_id=1260
    URL check failed SSL: certificate subject name ‘*.gdhperf.com’ does not match target host name ‘plymouthcraft.org’

    Any ideas?

    justin mentioned to me that he was going to reach out to GoDaddy and ask about the APC configuration they are using.

    For the time being you can rename the file object-cache.php that is in your wp-content directory to something like object-cache.php.save. This may provide you the relief you need.

    Please report back if this change makes your site behave normally.

    – jeff

    hi tmjea,

    I did some more work on your site this morning. What I did was add some code to WP-eCommerce that checked for corrupted data reading from the object cache. We would expect that this should never happen

    When corrupted data is found WP-eCommerce throws away the suspect data and re-creates it from the database.

    As part of doing this work I also added some logging that writes informative messages to the debug.log file in your wp-content directory. I also enabled debug logging so that WordPress would record any errors it detects. The object cache in your installation has been re-enabled.

    Here are some things to note:

    1. the file WP-e-Commerce\wpsc-includes\wpsc-countries.class.php has been updated. If you install an update of WP-eCommerce you will overwrite the updates.
    2. The underlying cause of the problem is still present.
    3. WP-eCommerce should not be as susceptible to the error when it occurs, but other areas of your site might be.
    4. Even though WordPress object caching is enabled, WordPress is reporting that it is not enabled. I know this because the function wp_using_ext_object_cache() seems to be returning false all of the time. It should be returning true
    5. The site checkup plugin provides file called fatal-errors.php in your wp-content directory. It will record any really bad stuff. A number of fatal errors are being recorded.
      Fatal Error processing uri: /
      Item	Description
      Error	Undefined variable: htmlcod
      Errno	8
      File	/home/content/p3pnexwpnas03_data02/88/2349788/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-e-commerce-product-showroom/wp_e_showrp.php
      Line	113
      ...n/a at line n/a function n/a ()
      array (

    I have a suspicion that whatever the issue is the trail starts with the wp_using_ext_object_cache() not telling us that the object cache is enabled.


    Just so everyone has the current information the code enhancements have been submitted for community review in GitHub


    – jeff

    OK everybody, I have a theory on the bug.

    Take a look at the object-cache.php for APC that is on your GoDaddy sites.

    Any time the HTTP request is for an admin, ajax, rpc or cron the object cache is disabled. That would mean that if I log in as an admin, update a product, perhaps by changing the inventory, the WordPress meta cache would not be updated, But the database would be. So inventory would be incorrect on a purchase. This problem of leaving an old copy of the data in the object cache would happen for any post meta, transient, user meta, etc.

    So when we are logged in as an administrator, cached copies of data are not updated or cleared. This would be really problematic during a plugin update. For example, we do a version update of WP-eCommerce, as an administrator. The update routine clears the transient containing the country data. When this happens, because we are an admin, the database version of the transient gets cleared, not the version in APC. When a user accesses the site they get the now invalid, and potentially unreadable because of a code change, version of the transient from the object cache.

    $oc_blocked_page = ( defined( 'WP_ADMIN' ) || defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) || defined( 'XMLRPC_REQUEST' ) || defined( 'DOING_CRON' ) || 'wp-login.php' === basename( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] ) );
    if ( 'cli' !== php_sapi_name() && function_exists( 'apc_fetch' ) && ! $oc_logged_in && ! $oc_blocked_page ) :

    See object-cache.php::24

    I just tested a fix on tmjea’s site and the WP-eCommerce Check-Up object cache tests now pass!


    The change to wp-content/object-cache.php line 25 being tested is this…


    if ( 'cli' !== php_sapi_name() && function_exists( 'apc_fetch' ) && !$oc_logged_in && !$oc_blocked_page ) :


    if ( true ||  'cli' !== php_sapi_name() && function_exists( 'apc_fetch' ) && !$oc_logged_in && !$oc_blocked_page ) :

    I like the sound of that!

    You could also replace the line with

    if ( function_exists( 'apc_fetch' ) ) :


    if ( extension_loaded( 'apc' ) ) :


    Jeff, is there any way that an ordinary mortal can do this? I am very eager to get WPeC back up and running on my site. Not sure whether I should just be patient and expect that a new version will be released with these bugs eradicated, or is there something I can do myself (with some coaching)? I realize that you just outlined what to do above, but I don’t even know where to look to find this stuff….
    Thanks for your patience,

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