• Hi folks,

    I’ve upgraded to 2.5, which went relatively smoothly – kudos to the development team. I do have two problems with the administration screens though and am wondering if anyone knows why the following happen:

    From the design tab, if I try and access the widgets settings, I get:

    Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference in /var/www/weblog/wp-admin/widgets.php on line 21

    This is all that’s displayed.

    From the manage tab, when I try using the media library, I get:

    Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference in /var/www/weblog/wp-includes/post-template.php on line 376

    This gets printed inside of a somewhat functional administration screen, down below the dark bar where it is supposed to be showing me objects in my media library. It won’t ever show any objects in the media library though, no matter how I try and filter them, and the same is true if I pick the ‘images’ view.

    Thanks for any clues on how to resolve these. I’ve tried re-uploading virgin files but that didn’t help. I had some suspicion that K2 was responsible for the widget problem, but I’ve already turned off the K2 sidebar manager before I upgraded to 2.5.

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  • I upgraded over the weekend and am experiencing the same problem.

    PHP v4.3.4
    MySQL v12.22
    Apache v2.0.55
    Wordpress v2.5
    Theme: Simplr v4.5.1 (widget capable).

    Have you tried the default theme? Perhaps this is theme related.

    Thread Starter tempus67



    Yes, I’ve tried reverting to the default theme, the problem is the same no matter which theme I set it to use.

    Thanks for trying though ??

    Yeah, likewise. None of the themes I have installed make a difference. Not even the default theme ??

    Both those lines have to do with sidebars and sidebar widgets.

    I would try a fresh install at this point deleting K2, wp-admin and wp-includes before you start. You can always download K2 later.

    Thanks kmessinger, I’ll try a fresh install when I get the chance. Just one point to clarify – I don’t use K2 personally, so maybe that helps to eliminate it as a possible source of the issue.

    OK, I just finished a clean install of 2.5, and the problem persists. I’ve also tried disabling all plugins, but that has no effect either.

    I’m wondering if this might be a PHP thing. Which version are you using, tempus67?

    HELP! I installed 2.5 from 2.3 and I get this error message:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function require_wp_db() in /home/jlanders/www/www/writings/wp-settings.php on line 204

    What to do?

    Thread Starter tempus67


    I am using php 5.05. Thanks for the tip on it possibly being a php version issue, I’ll try and update to a newer version of PHP and report back. It may take me a bit to get to it since I’m going away this weekend.

    Thanks kmessinger, it does seem like this might be a PHP issue, however from https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Hosting_WordPress:

    WordPress server requirements for Version 2.5:

    PHP version 4.3 or greater
    MySQL version 4.0 or greater
    (Optional) Apache mod_rewrite module (for clean URIs known as Permalinks)

    So in theory PHP v4.3.4 should be OK (which is what I’m currently stuck with).

    Question: is that requirements list wrong, out of date, or missing the detail that widgets and media library functionality won’t work without PHP version > 5.05?

    I’ve managed to fix this on my blog now. The solution was one of either:

    • Upgrade to WP v 2.5.1
    • Delete the wp-content/plugins/widgets folder

    I did the second while following the extended upgrade instructions for the first, so I don’t actually know which fixed the issue. However, this snippet from the upgrade instructions might be important:

    Delete the wp-content/plugins/widgets folder; You only see this folder if you previously installed the Sidebar Widgets plugin. The Sidebar Widgets code conflicts with the built-in widget ability.

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