• Resolved tomifromspace


    Hello there,

    I’ve just installed the plugin to my website from WP plugin browser, and after activating it the WP admin disconnected and when I visit the site, it send a WP error message: “A serious error has occurred on our website.”
    I cannot reach the admin, I cannot reach anyting, I’m totally locked out. I’ve tried to turn off all plugins in the DB but when I try to edit the wp_options/active_plugins field I’m disconnected from the MySQL server. I can edit other fields anyways. I just finished editing this site and about to give it to my customer and now this happens! It’s hard to tell what i feel now….

    Could you please help me with a solution? Thanks!

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  • Plugin Support aporter



    Can you check your PHP error log for the fatal error your getting, then share that here?

    Best Wishes,


    Thread Starter tomifromspace


    Dear Ashley,

    This is a specific WP storage on a provider’s server where i can only access the public_html folder, where there are no error logs. ??

    My .htacces:

    BEGIN WordPress A BEGIN WordPress és az END WordPress sorok k?z?tti tartalom dinamikusan lett létrehozva, és csak WordPress sz?r?k módosíthatják. E kett? sor k?z?tti bármilyen kézi módosítás el fog veszni.

    RewriteEngine On RewriteRule .* – [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}] RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index.php$ – [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /index.php [L] END WordPress



    • @version 1.0.2
    • WARNING: Please do not delete this file.
      • This will cause PHP to throw a fatal error and render your site unusable.
      • To safely delete this file, please check both your .user.ini file and your php.ini file and ensure this file is not set in the auto_prepend_file directive.
      • Please ask your web hosting provider if you need guidance with executing the aforementioned steps.
        // Previously set auto_prepend_file
        if (file_exists(‘override_functions.php’)) {
        $GLOBALS[‘aiowps_firewall_rules_path’] = DIR.’/wp-content/uploads/aios/firewall-rules/’;

    $GLOBALS[‘aiowps_firewall_data’] = array(
    ‘ABSPATH’ => ‘/var/www/clients/client984/web2347/web/xxxxxxxxxxxx.hu/’,

    // Begin AIOWPSEC Firewall
    if (file_exists(DIR.’/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall/classes/firewall/wp-security-firewall.php’)) {
    // End AIOWPSEC Firewall

    Thanks in advance


    Plugin Support aporter



    Can you add the following to your wp-config.php

    define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );

    define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );

    This should then create a debug.log in your wp-contents folder when theres an error on the site.

    Best Wishes,


    Thread Starter tomifromspace


    Hi Ashey,

    Meanwhile my storage provider fixed the issue for $50, so the problem is ‘solved”. Thanks for your support.

    Since this plugin caused me a lot of annoyance and expenses, I will unfortunately not be able to give it a positive review and I will warn users to use it with great caution.

    Have a nice day

    Plugin Support aporter



    Glad you got that resolved.

    It would be useful if possible to know the actual error message you received, that way we can work out if it is this plugin that caused the issue or something else on the hosting.

    Best Wishes,




    Ha jól jol k?vetkezettem magyar vagy, ugyanez a probléma állt el? nalam is, viszont bármilyen t?zfalat telepitek ez t?rténik.

    A Te tárhelyszolgáltatód is a Rackhost?

    Thread Starter tomifromspace



    Igen, Nekem is a Rackhost. írj a Rackhost supportnak, ?k meg tudják oldalni a probkémát és ki tudják irtani a plugint. Drukkolok!

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