• Resolved chweifly


    Q: What’s ChenPress?
    A: It’s a WordPress WYSIWYG plugin which replace the default editor with FCKeditor 2.0 FC.

    Q: What’s the meaning of the plugin name?
    A: "ChenPress" just the combine of my name ChenWei and WordPress.

    Q: Download?
    A: Click here to download ChenPress

    Q: install?

    • Download the zip file and extract the file ‘chenpress.php’ and folder ‘chenpress’ from it.
    • Upload these files to your server and make sure it goes into the ‘wp-content/plugins’ directory.
    • Visit your WordPress administration interface’s Plugins page and activate the plugin.
    • Creat files foders under ‘wp-content’, just like the following structure: 
    • wp-content\files
    • wp-content\files\File
    • wp-content\files\Flash
    • wp-content\files\Image
    • wp-content\files\Media
    • Change the files foders’ properties to 777 use FTP

    Q: Which files have been modified to the default FCKeditor 2.0 FC?
    A: I modified only three files:

    • /fckconfig.js
    • /fckeditor.js
    • /editor/filemanager/browser/mcpuk/connectors/php/config.php

    Q: So, what’s the creative work of ChenPress?
    A: Just the file "chenpress.php", whick combine FCKeditor 2.0 FC to WordPress.

    Q: How could I make ChenPress suitalbe?
    A: Just configuring the following three files:

    • chenpress.php
    • chenpress\fckconfig.js
    • chenpress\editor\filemanager\browser\mcpuk\connectors\php\config.php

    ==== Detail Function Configuration

    Q: Can I change the default location of upload files?
    A: Just open the file: "chenpress\editor\filemanager\browser\mcpuk\connectors\php"
    And modify the parameter: $fckphp_config[‘UserFilesPath’] = "/wordpress/wp-content/files" ;

    Q: Can I change the toolbar?
    A: Just open the file: "chenpress\fckconfig.js"
    And modify the parameter: FCKConfig.ToolbarSets["CPToolbar"] = …

    Q: Can I change the smiley?
    A: Just open the file: "chenpress\fckconfig.js"
    And modify the parameter: FCKConfig.SmileyPath and FCKConfig.SmileyImages

    Q: Where is "quicktags"?
    A: Just open the file: "chenpress.php", and delete the following code:

    // Nuke Quicktages
    function nuke_the_quicktags( $lookmanoqtags ) {
    $lookmanoqtags = preg_replace(‘|<div id="quicktags">.*?</div>|s’, ”, $lookmanoqtags);
    return $lookmanoqtags;}

    Q: Support?
    A: Here ??

Viewing 13 replies - 76 through 88 (of 88 total)
  • i have ImageManager and it’s replace img button in wp default editor and make it an imageManager button,after installing chenpress it’s back to normal img button.any button on editor back to default.why?

    Hey guys, the problem isn’t ChenPress, it’s the MCPUK connector that ChenPress uses by default. The connector is buggy and incomplete, which is why it was dropped from the official FCK distribution.

    Just switch to the default connector…

    Since I updated Firefox to I get javascript problems when I click on FCKeditor I get a list of errors and FCKeditor doesn’t work, however they don’t come up in Internet Explorer.

    Here one of them:
    Errore: Errore nell’interpretazione del valore della proprietà ‘cursor’. Dichiarazione tralasciata.
    File sorgente: https://ypn-js.overture.com/d/search/p/ypn/jsads/?Partner=9260501120&type=4879&adwd=468&adht=60&ctxtUrl=http%3A//www.ads-software.com/support/topic/34793/page/2&bc=FFFFFF&cc=FFFFFF&lc=0000CC&tc=000000&uc=339900&du=1&cb=1139246962623
    Riga: 10



    I get a 404 error when I try to download url. Has it been removed?



    Hi, I tried to download it and it isn’t there and it’s a month after this post — anybody out there know where to download chenpress?



    No clue…. did you try just doing a google search for it?





    thanks, you guys, I grabbed chenpress and I really appreciate the quick response.

    Already using it and I love it, except it doesn’t seem to work in firefox and I normally keep internet explorer grounded. I did post this issue to Chen’s google group but if anybody else has any experiences using Chenpress with firefox, I’d love to hear about it.

    Also, I was wondering if there was an appropriate place to post to share tips about free and nearly free hosts I found that have the Fantastico script for WordPress auto-install. One was completely free, 100 megs, 2 gigs traffic, another $15 a year, unlimited space, unlimited traffic — and those are just the two I tried myself to check out their support (which was good!)there are others with similar deals.
    I have no connection or affiliatian at all to these hosts — they’re just sites I found shopping for myself.
    There may be others like me who really want to use wordpress but are afraid to do the traditional installation.

    IS FCK editor better than the editor in wordpress 2.0??

    i did merge chenpress with the new fck-editor (2.3beta) and i have to say: rocks! you see, i’m building accessible websites with professional design, so i have little higher expectations to a wysiwyg ??

    I just installed chenpress and activated it, however it did not replace my word press editor, it is right above it and I can do anything with chenpress. Any ideas?

    After installing chenpress my smart tabs dissapeared. I had one for
    intouch and one for adblocks that inserted:
    into the html.

    I was also wondering if there is anyway to easily add your own buttons
    to the chenpress menu. I would like to see more <!–more–> as an

    I can manually type these all in but its a pain.


    I have found the way of adding those needed buttons as nextpage and more in Chenpress.

    I found a code via Google Code Search and added to Chenpress. The creator was Felipe Coelho, do you know him? There is no way of contacting him.

    If you don’t understand Spanish, you can write me, or ask here, and I will try to translate the post into English.

    I hope it could help you.


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