Thank you for reaching out for support. I am assuming FE user is “Front-End” user. Is this affecting the ‘administrator’ roles or only subscriber and other roles roles? The login form has to include a nonce which is generated by the WP Security Safe plugin. The nonce will be a hidden field that will be checked on every attempt to login. If the nonce has expired (24 hr expiration) or is missing, you will get that error in the logs.
The field will look something like this:
<input type=”hidden” id=”_wpnonce” name=”_wpnonce” value=”68515e239d”>
That value is a unique string that is generated for the purpose of logging in. The value changes for each user to verify that the user is indeed visiting the page before logging in.
How to troubleshoot:
1. Turn on the WP Security Safe local login feature and DO NOT LOG OUT.
2. Open up an incognito window in the browser and visit your login page, which will prompt you to login in that incognito session.
3. Right-click on the form, and inspect element or view the page source. You should find a field with the name of name=”_wpnonce” within the form. If it is not there, the login validation will fail.
4. If it is there, then the value is not coming through properly and failing due to it not matching.
Please try this and let me know what you discover. Be sure to stay logged in in the other session to prevent locking yourself out of the admin.
If you need help troubleshooting this, please add [email protected] as an administrative user and I can login and troubleshoot this for you. If you add me to your website as an administrator, please check the checkbox to notify the user when creating the account. Once this process is done, please delete my account.
– Steven