• Resolved knallen80


    Questions nr1:
    I’m using #_EVENTIMAGE to show the featured image and the size is 180×252 pixles and I wonder if I can get it to autocrop itself into this size instead of crop them myself to right size when someone uploades a flyer.
    And if there any chance to link an featured image from example Facebook instead of uploading it to the website?

    Question nr2:
    Can I make it pssoible to searh events after months?

    Question nr3:
    Is there any way to use the widget without putting it in a widget area?
    I mean like an php phrase or something?

    Question nr4:
    The texteditor at the submitting events page doesn’t work, it’sonly shows in html-style. Perhaps it’s an another plugin or my theme byt I want to ask before I disable all of my plugins etc if there’s any way to get it work.

    Question nr5:
    How to show the pagination’s all pages instead of a few as now?


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  • 1. have you tried wp thumbnail; for example, when you upload an image, WP makes three sizes, maybe that could be something worth considering (i.e. using WP thumbnails).

    2. this isn’t possible at the moment; however have you tried shortcodes like [events_list scope=”1-months”]

    scope attributes – https://wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/event-search-attributes/

    3. maybe you can try this – https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Function_Reference/the_widget

    4. this seems to be working perfectly on my test sites; maybe you can try to temporarily deactivate other plugins or switch back to default twenty twelve theme.

    5. you can try Settings > Pages > Event List/Archives > Event List Limits or use shortcode [events_list limit=”10″]


    Thread Starter knallen80


    If someone uploads a “flyer” that’s bigger then the limit I set (180×252) through the event submit page they will get the message “Image to big” etc. And if I change the size limit the layout will be wierd AND I’ve to crop the flyer myself, and this is not what I want.
    What I asked for was IF there’s a way to let the plugin or something else crop the flyer into the sizes I set,then I can let people upload bigger sizes without crop them myself.
    (People submits 10-20 events per day and I don’t have the time to work with the flyers sizes, and many peonple are too lazy to crop the right sizes themselves)

    And about thewidget or php code:
    Even if I use ” <?php the_widget($widget, $instance, $args); ?> ” there’s no way how to show the widget of Event manager. I want to use an php code that include eventmanager like the widget but not in a widget area.

    The texteditor:
    Just wanted toask if there’s a way tomake it work before Ideactive all the other plugins, and no way I’mgonna test with another theme, my website is up & runningso I can’tchange the theme just to check this.

    And I just recalled I forgot one question.
    If there’s no flyer uploaded with an event can I set an default image automatic instead of login to admin and set an “default” by myself?

    for the image sizes, Settings > General > Image Sizes

    widgets; you can also used wordpress do_shortcode instead; e.g. <?php echo do_shortcode('[events_list]'); ?>

    you can used conditional placeholder like {no_image}content{/no_image} as default image


    4. text editor, do you have a sample screenshots of what it looks like on your side?

    Thread Starter knallen80


    That will include all the images of the site?

    2. Yes ??

    3. Please can you explain it like for an 5 years old boy, I’m no expert in this area ??


    only within EM and for wordpress WP Settings > Media

    for optimization, EM Settings > General > Performance Optimization > Use WordPress thumbnails

    {no_image}<img src=”” />{/no_image}


    Thread Starter knallen80


    The editor is workin, my bad, I had the shortcode for submit events twice on one page.

    Thread Starter knallen80


    1. Done that but the images I upload through the submitpage shows up on the eventlist in exactly same sizes as originalsize.
    Tested with two different sizes and both aren’t “cropped” to 180×252 pixles.



    try Settings > General > Performance Optimization > Use WordPress thumbnails or #_EVENTIMAGE{x,y} where x and y are width and height


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