• monkey201311


    Why is it that the description under the feature slideshow have slashessss when I have an “apostrophe” or “quotation mark” in it? How do you eliminate the slashesss. It appears after you edited it or re-saved it.

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  • Balint Toth



    Usually in PHP and HTML, quotation marks and apostrophes mark the beginning and the end of specific text strings. So for a hypothetical example, in your slideshow the code would look like this:

    <div id="slide-1">
      <img src="image-1" />
      <div class='description'>this is the description</div>

    So if you put an apostrophe or a quotation mark into your text, it can be misinterpreted as the beginning or ending of some code attribute. The best way is to not to use them, but there are ways that can make it possible for you to use them. However, in order for me to help, it would be really helpful if you could post a link to your site, and tell me which template and slideshow (if it is not the one which came with the template) are you using.


    Thread Starter monkey201311


    Balint Toth



    I have installed the theme for you and successfully recreated and solved the issue.

    Instead of double quotes you should use & q u o t ;, intead of single quotes & # 39 ;, both without spaces. In my case, it looks like this on the settings page, which gives this result in the slider.

    I hope this helps. If you have any more questions, I am here to help you!

    Have a nice day!


    Thread Starter monkey201311


    That’s aMaZiNg!!!
    Thanks Toth.

    Balint Toth


    You are welcome! I am glad that I could help you! ??

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