• Johan WALTER



    Please find below feature requests concerning Verified Member

    – “Verified profile” as a filter on member page (besides last activ, recent etc… Screenshot https://prnt.sc/vchfk8 )

    – Field “Verified” (check box) as a searchable field in order to make a search of verified members

    – Automatic verification, member becomes verified when profile is filled at x % (x is value we choose to set in settings)

    – Conditional verification a member becomes automatically verified on conditions we set in settings
    Conditions (all or any) are value of BP and Xprofile field.
    We could
    1 – set a rule
    2 – choose “all” or “any” for conditions
    3 – add or delete a condition
    4 – For each condition we have 3 fields
    – Field label (BP, Xprofile, Profile picture, cover picture)
    – Comparison (is,is not,contains, starts, ends, is greater than, is lower then, is empty, is not empty etc…)
    – Value of the field (exception for is empty, is not empty)
    Screenshot https://prnt.sc/ve7p5o
    Exemple 1: we could have a member profile verified if
    picture profile is not empty

    Exemple 2: we could have a member profile verified if
    picture profile – is not empty
    Date – is greater than – today

    – automatic and conditional verification could be mixed
    Exemple : we could have a member profile verified if
    picture profile – is not empty
    cover picture – is not empty
    Date – is greater than – today
    profile is filled at 80 % (we set 80 or any number)




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  • Thread Starter Johan WALTER


    Extra Feature request
    – Notification that can be sent to profile owner when its profile is verified (notification to be customized in settings)

    Plugin Author Themosaurus


    Hi @johan_walter !

    Thank you for sharing this very detailed feedback !

    As your ideas could be a nice additions to our plugin, we will implement those features if other community members upvote your request.

    We’ll keep you informed. Thank you very much for contributing to Verified Member for BuddyPress!

    Best regards,



    Please add my vote… we could use these capabilities, excellent for buddypress of buddyboss related communities. Could be a game changer.



    or dare I say any of your community related themes.

    I would also like to have the ability to filter out the verified members. We are using BP Profile Search so it would be great if you could make it work with that plugin (https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/integration-of-verified-member-for-buddypress-plugin/)

    I (and our users) would also appreciate a notification to the verified user that he/she has been verified. And maybe it could also be a feature let us have an option to let new verifications of users be posted as an activity.

    Has this received enough votes yet? This would absolutely be a game changer for many people using this plugin. Count my vote in too!

    Plugin Author Themosaurus



    Just to let everyone know that the new update (1.2.1) adds compatibility with BP Profile Search to allow filtering verified / unverified members. The update also adds an option to automatically verify members who belong to a certain member type, which enables some more automation for those who need it.


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