Thanks for reaching out @dazman88. As the plugin is open source, feel free to suggest this feature via opening a feature request over on the plugins GitHub repository. I’m happy to do so if you wish, on your behalf. Otherwise I can pass your suggestion on to the team.
Note also that we do have a filter that allows you to perform that very action programmatically. The below, for example will disable the Site Kit AdSense snippet placement for users who are part of the officeAdmin role:
add_filter('googlesitekit_adsense_tag_blocked','restrict_adsense_snippet_role' );
function restrict_adsense_snippet_role() {
// restrict ads for users that with a officeAdmin role
if ( current_user_can('officeAdmin')) {
return true;
return false;
That can be added to your site via a mini plugin, a custom snippets plugin, a child themes functions.php file or even your active themes functions.php file. If using the later, your active themes functions.php file, this will get overwritten with each time update.
Let me know if you have any questions with the above.