• In Live Traffic the user can click on an IP using the “Run Whois” button and they receive a standard Whois that’s of limited usefulness; to research an IP the user has to make extra effort to copy-paste the IP into a service such as https://www.tcpiputils.com/browse/ip-address

    Feature would to link the IPs in the Live Traffic list to a robust information service that includes a blocklist checker. Or have some kind of configuration option that allowed the user to set this up.

    Could be something for your premium version, perhaps using a paid IP information service that you formally partnered with.

    As it is, the brief Whois information you provide via a basic Whois lookup is not in keeping with the otherwise robust nature of Wordfence.

    Thanks for listening.



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  • Thread Starter mountainguy2


    Just for fun, I modded my current version of Wordfence. Around line 366 in /wordfence/lib/menu_activity.php I changed code to look like the following, big help for my work, eliminates a bunch of mouse clicks, speeds things up:

    <a class="button button-small" data-bind="attr: { href: 'https://www.tcpiputils.com/browse/ip-address/' + IP() }" target="_blank"> Info About This IP </a>

    Doing this also seemed to speed up my viewing of the huge Live Traffic list, as it eliminates a bit of PHP, but that could just be a placebo effect…


    Thread Starter mountainguy2


    An even better place for this type of mod is the Blocked IPs list, that way you have a very concise list, with IP linked to external info source instead of having to scroll down through hundreds of Live Traffic links to find.

    So, my mod: in file /wordfence/lib/menu_blockedIPs.php, around line 127, I did the following. Already saving me a TON of time and much more clear in terms of what clicking on the IP numbers gets you:

    <strong>HITS ON IP: </strong>&nbsp;<a href="${WFAD.makeIPTrafLink(IP)}" target="_blank">${IP}</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;  
    <strong>DETAILED IP INFO: </strong>&nbsp;<a href="https://www.tcpiputils.com/browse/ip-address\${IP}" target="_blank">${IP}</a> [<a href="#" onclick="WFAD.unblockIPTwo('${IP}'); return false;">unblock</a>]
    Thread Starter mountainguy2


    I couldn’t resist doing more mods on Wordfence, easily eliminated the small country flags that IMHO clutter up the Live Traffic and Blocked list pages. I really don’t understand the purpose of those, as a feature request I’d suggest eliminating, especially in the case of the Live Traffic page as it needs all the help it can get in terms of loading time, if it’s got thousands of entries, mine refreshes noticeably faster now with the couple of mods I did. Thanks for listening WF folks, and thanks for the clean, easily modded PHP. MTN

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