• DJABHipHop


    1. Placeholder Text for All Fields
      • Why? Improves user experience by providing clear guidance without taking up extra space with labels.
    2. TinyMCE in Quicktags Mode with Underline Instead of Link Tags
      • Why? By default, Quicktags mode in TinyMCE uses <a> tags for underlining text. An option to replace this with <u> instead would allow users to underline text properly without inserting links.
    3. Classic Layout (More Traditional Form Styling)
      • Why? Some users prefer a simple, traditional form layout rather than the modern block-style designs. This would enhance accessibility and readability.
    4. Dynamic comment_cookies_text (Changes Based on Removed Fields with Manual Override)
      • Why? If the email or name field is removed, the cookie consent message should dynamically change to reflect what’s actually being stored. A manual override option ensures site owners can customize the message as needed.
    5. Privacy Policy Link with Custom Placement
      • Why? Some sites prefer to include a privacy policy link within the comment_cookies_text, while others may want it displayed separately below the form. Giving control over placement improves flexibility.
    6. Character Limit for Comments
      • Why? Prevents excessively long comments while helping users stay concise.
    7. Comment Form Textarea Label
      • Why? Some users prefer having a clear label above the comment textarea for accessibility, instead of relying only on placeholders.
    8. Character & Word Count Below the Comment Textarea
      • Why? Helps users track their input length while writing, ensuring they stay within the limit.
    9. Ability to Show Character Limit Above the Comment Textarea
      • Why? Some users might prefer seeing the character limit before they start typing instead of below the textarea. Giving placement options improves usability.
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