• Hello,

    Thank you for a great plugin.
    I have a feature request for a future version..

    Could you please consider enqueuing the Woo-Side-Cart font instead of using @font-face in ‘xoo-wsc-public.css’?

    It makes it hard to dequeue the font if you don’t want to use it. I would like to use FontAwesome for the cart icons instead for example, but I have no way of removing the Woo-Side-Cart font without editing the plugin core (‘xoo-wsc-public.css’).

    Secondly, on a side note.. The order in which you load the Woo-Side-Cart font is not optimal. You should always list the lightest fonts first (woff2/woff) which will increase chances that the browser will use the lightest font avaialble for increased performance

    Today, it is loaded in this oder:

    @font-face {
    font-family: Woo-Side-Cart;
    	src: url(fonts/Woo-Side-Cart.eot?w0cuef);
    	src: url(fonts/Woo-Side-Cart.eot?w0cuef#iefix) format('embedded-opentype'),
    	url(fonts/Woo-Side-Cart.ttf?w0cuef) format('truetype'),
    	url(fonts/Woo-Side-Cart.woff?w0cuef) format('woff'),
    	url(fonts/Woo-Side-Cart.svg?w0cuef#Woo-Side-Cart) format('svg');

    You should place the .woff version first, and also provide a .woff2 version of the font as well since that is the most optimized version.

    Order should be:


    • This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by cruiseback.
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