Thinking about this in some detail, I agree that point 1. would make an excellent feature request and I’ll look at building this into the next release of the plugin.
For now though, you should be able to use the plugin’s filters, specifically the wp_biographia_link_item
filter to do 99% of this …
This filter is called once for each contact link that the Biography Box contains and is passed an array containing all the elements of that contact link. So for point 1, the passed array would look something like this …
array (
'type' => 'text',
'format' => '<li><a href="%s" %s title="%s" class="%s">%s</a></li>',
'url' => '',
'meta' => 'target="_self"',
'title' => 'Gary On The Web',
'body' => 'Web',
'link-class' => 'wp-biographia-link-text',
You can rebuild the content of the link by using the format
element as the input to a call to sprintf
in a filter hook and trap the link type from the body
element. So to change each occurence of ‘[author name] On The Web’ to ‘More about [author name]’, your filter hook would look something like this …
add_filter('wp_biographia_link_item', 'filter_link_item', 10, 2);
function filter_link_item($content, $params) {
if ($params['body'] === 'Web') {
$text = str_replace(__(' On The Web'), '', $params['title']);
$title = __('More about ') . $text;
$content = sprintf($params['format'], $params['url'], $params['meta'], $title, $params['link-class'], $params['body']);
return $content;
For point 2, you can repeat the process, this time trapping on $params['body']
containing the text Mail
Hope this helps …