• Hello, WordPress is amazing but there is one thing I want the wordpress team to look into and that is developing a central login and registration system, and making it mandatory or compatible for every other plugin.

    Currently wordpress has wp-login.php but so does every other plugin we download. Like many plugins have their own login and logout pages different from wordpress main one. For example, woocommerce has its own, forum plugins have their own, LMS have their own. These are good if these plugins are used separately on one single website but the problem arises when you have two plugins installed on the same website.

    Let say, I have a forum plugin, an lms plugin like Tutor LMS, then there is my theme. If a user registers using my theme login/signup he will receive different emails, if used plugin specific then a different email and so one. If they are trying to reset the password they will receive different emails and it really makes the user experience poor in the long run.

    My suggestion is to if possible maybe team can look into a solution where every plugin developers can be given a set of rules like they will have to include this minimum requirement if they are offering login or signup features to make their plugin universally compatible with each other in order to have one central system for the end user.

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  • Sounds quite plausible at first glance, but it would change many historically established structures. I am therefore unsure whether and how this could be implemented.

    You are welcome to make your suggestion in the Core Trac so that the developers can examine and evaluate it themselves. Describe your suggestion for the solution as precisely as possible: https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/newticket

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