• Resolved Kimball31


    I would like to optimize by database occasional with the same features of Scheduled Database Maintenance, but I do not want it to run unattended every week. Would you consider add in a button so we can run it manually from time to time?

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  • Plugin Support Vladimir Trandev


    Thank you for the feedback, @kimball31!

    The mentioned feature request has been already brought to the attention of our developers. However, we do not have ETA for the completion of this task.


    Thread Starter Kimball31


    Thank you Vladimir.
    I look forward to using it sometime soon.

    Plugin Support Georgi Ganchev


    Hello @kimball31 ,

    We have reviewed the feature request and for now, we have decided that such an option would not be implemented.

    By default, the database maintenance is executed through a cron event scheduled to be performed every week. Once the event is performed it gets automatically scheduled to be executed in 7 days.

    If you would prefer to control the execution this can easily be done through WP-Cli

    You can enlist the scheduled cron events with this command:
    wp cron event list

    If you want to execute the cron event on demand you can execute this command:
    wp cron event run siteground_optimizer_database_optimization_cron
    This action will run the event and basically allow you the control that you require.

    Best regards,
    Georgi Ganchev

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