1.) Open
Logically, this is a download manager because it does not include WordPress, and opening manager slightly different.
You can add a WordPress media file (like image, document, etc.) using the “Add Media” button. And you can choose to “Link to” option. Yes, I know it’s not the same and there is no counter and no log, but you can use this for your purpose.
Technically, the problem is that the download manager works in PHP, but opening something in a new window can not be done in PHP, this can be handled in JS (because PHP is server-side and JS is client-side and there is a browser at the client). So I think this is impossible to do with the download manager.
2.) WP Media Buttons
Yes, I understand what you want. But WordPress standard is that there are buttons in the TinyMCE toolbar, because it is linked directly to the editor (and there are some default functions and procedures).
Buttons in the WP Media Buttons section are logically linked to WordPress rather than to TinyMCE editor (yes, it will eventually be added to TinyMCE, but it is completely different).
It is technically possible to add a button, but for this you need to develop several JS codes. For this I need to develop a separate plugin. I can only do this for a freelancher order (I think 30-60 minutes development, so 10-20 USD).
I hope I could help you, and if you have any other questions, please contact me with confidence.
Lana Codes