• It would be really helpful if support for Category permission were added in future versions.

    Im implementing WP as a tool for our organization to share news and ideas, and to draw public interest.

    It would be nice, and I think encourage greater participation by our staff, if it could additionally be used for discussion of company politics and more sensitive matters that we dont want the public to view.

    One idea would be to give the Author the option of setting (or possibly requesting) what groups are able to see their post.
    This way a lower lever user would have the ability to post something that could only be viewed by administrators, not his colleagues.
    ..Just a thought.

    Some sort of simple Category based permission would be great though.

    Thanks! really enjoying your project.

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  • capone


    yeah…I also use wordpress as your. Hope someone can develop something like this. I also like to restrict which pages can be read by whom…maybe just be registered user with exclusive access

    I agree with this. If you want to have user-generated content for one section of your blog it make it a WHOLE lot easier to restrict by category than to run two separate WordPress installs.

    TikiWiki has a VERY granular way of doing this. I don’t think you need that level of granularity, just using the default roles for permissions on categories would usually be sufficient and should be an easy include.

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