• Plugin Author arete-it


    We are opening this section as a feature request section. We are a team of hardworking nerds. We will try our best to provide things as much as we can for free. But a Pro Version of the plugin was already in works. It will be launched very soon. We do care about feedback so go for it ?? . We will consider the request if possible for future free versions.

    Cheers <^^>

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  • Looking forward to the Pro version!

    – After clicking on the number of “reactions” and it shows the list. Show full list.

    – After clicking on the number of “reactions” and it shows the list. Let me click on the user’s name and then take me to his profile.

    – When I go to his profile, show me the items that he’s “reacted to.” You may just be able to use the existing buddy press “favorites” functionality for this or you may want to write your own, but the former would probably be easier and just fine.

    – Integrate with rtmedia functions to replace their “Like” function.

    That describes my needs. Thanks! Good luck!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by dfulton.

    – After clicking on the number of “reactions” and it shows the list. Let me click on the user’s name and then take me to his profile.

    I added the following to my bp-custom.php and it makes the Usernames clickable through to their profile.

    add_action( 'init', 'changeActions' );
    function changeActions () {
    	remove_action('wp_ajax_ai_get_activity_reactions_list', 'ai_get_activity_reactions_list');
    	remove_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_ai_get_activity_reactions_list',  'ai_get_activity_reactions_list');
    	add_action('wp_ajax_ai_get_activity_reactions_list', 'custom_ai_get_activity_reactions_list');
    	add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_ai_get_activity_reactions_list', 'custom_ai_get_activity_reactions_list');
    function custom_ai_get_activity_reactions_list()
    		GLOBAL $wpdb;
    		$html="<div class='ai_recent_reactions_list'><div class='ai_recent_reaction_users'><h5>Recent 10 users who reacted to this activity update</h5></div><ul>";
    		$activity_id = intval(str_replace("activity-","",$_REQUEST['activity_id']));	
            $table = $wpdb->base_prefix . 'arete_buddypress_smileys_manage';
    		$query_check = $wpdb->get_results("select * from $table where activity_id='$activity_id'");
    		if($query_check && $wpdb->num_rows <> 0)
    		{	foreach ($query_check as $user_check) {
    				$user_info  = get_userdata($user_id);
    				$username	= $user_info->user_login;	
    				$html.="<li><a href='".bp_core_get_user_domain( $user_id )."'>".$username."</a>".ai_get_single_reaction($reaction_id)."</li>";
    		echo json_encode($result);
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