Thanks for suggestions.
1. Stop words, RediSearch supports stop words out of the box, but the list of their stop words is limited. I will add a section which user can disable stop words completely or specify its own list of words.
2. There are two filters in the plugin for adding custom fields:
“wp_redisearch_indexable_meta_keys” and “wp_redisearch_indexable_meta_schema”. This is the best way of adding custom fields to the index, but you need to write code to do this.
Its a bit tricky to get a list of all custom fields used in the website. Because custom fields (post meta) are optional, some posts can have some fields which others don’t have, so its hard to know existing fields. I will do some tests to find some solution(s) for having a list of available custom fields in plugin settings, so you don’t need to write code.