• I’m trying to change the featured categories section. When I try to change the CSS to have 3 of them fall onto the same line, it doesn’t react as expected.

    When I look through the code, there’s a <div class=”clear”></div> that seems like is being generated somewhere along the line… also, feat cat 2 is given the class “.right-side” and I can’t figure out where… I’ve looked through the feat-cat2.php and I can’t figure out where either the class is being added or where that clear is coming from. (I’m familiar with HTML and CSS but new to PHP)

    My site: https://www.equestrianquarterly.com/blog. Trying to get the three category thumbs on one line.


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  • Thread Starter dillsteroo


    Can anyone help me? I just want to get 3 featured categories thumbs on one line. (Tried all the normal CSS strategies, trying different widths, floats, etc). Any advice or even vague notion to help me would be awesome! Thanks!

    Thank you!


    are you talking about the EQ Inner Circle, Le Saut Hermes, and Behind the Scenes? Or are you working on the Paris Day 1, 2, and 3 sections?

    It looks like the EQ Inner Circle is a slider that you would want full-width, with the other two half-width underneath. Is that a good guess?

    Thread Starter dillsteroo


    I’m talking about “Le Saut Hermes”, “Behind the Scenes” and “EQ Extras” (which is below the others near the bottom now). I’d like all three thumbnails to fit on one line below the slider.


    Width and spacing seem fine, but for some reason the theme is putting the ‘more posts’ in with the ‘featured posts’.

    I would check in your Admin panel, make sure these posts you’re featuring are classified correctly.

    Thread Starter dillsteroo


    I don’t understand where along the line that is happening. I have no control of how it classifies posts and “more posts” on the user interface part of the admin panel. Where in the code would this be happening?

    When I look at the site in Chrome and use “Inspect Element” nothing seems strange about the featured category vs. more posts. Each feat category has it’s own “more posts” underneath. The problem is that there’s this random div class clear in there. (within the div called featured categories, below the second category. When I delete it while looking at it there, it fixes the problem. But when I actually go into the code to find this div, I can’t.

    It’s calling the third category container ‘category’, just like the first one. This is giving it the wrong spacing.

    Rename the container for the third item ‘category right-side’. Then change your child theme’s style.css as follows:

    Line 818: margin-left: 0px;
    Line 829: add margin-left: 30px;

    That oughta do the trick.

    Thread Starter dillsteroo


    Hi psidwell,

    Thanks so much for your time. The problem is, I don’t know where in my wordpress site it is adding that “right-side” class to the third category. When I look through feat_cat2.php, and categories.php, and index.php… everything looks identical for the first and second featured categories. Are you familiar with this specific theme? My problem is that I get CSS and HTML but not PHP… so I’m confused about how to make changes that I would have made if it were a traditional site.

    Thanks again for your help

    I’m like you; I started out with a good grasp of HTML and CSS, but the PHP was different. Lucky for me, my job has allowed me to explore and practice with PHP and I’m learning quite a bit.

    WIthout seeing your files, though, I’m afraid I can’t be much help. If I fill out the contact form on your site, will that go to you?

    I think that would be the best way to touch base outside the forums here, then you can send me your files and I can take a look.

    Thread Starter dillsteroo


    That would be great, I guess you could just comment on a post and I can get your email address from there? Thank you again so much for your patience and help!


    Hi dillsteroo,

    This one is a bit tricky. If you take a look at the code you will find that just before the third featured box there is <div class=”clear”></div> that automatically sends box 3 and 4 to the second row.

    What you need to do is go to the Max Magazine folder, then to JS, and double click on custom. There, look for <div class=”clear”></div> and delete it.

    Afterwards, go to your CSS and look for the #featured-categories .right-side class and replace it with the following:

    #featured-categories .right-side{
    	margin-left: 10px;
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