Featured Content Gallery and Atahualpa Theme
I’m running Atahualpa theme and when I add the code for Featured Content Gallery to my INDEX.PHP template, the gallery shows up on ALL pages. How do I make it appear only on the home page? Where would I place the code? The index.php code for Atahualpa is here:
<?php global $options; foreach ($options as $value) { if (get_option( $value['id'] ) === FALSE) { $$value['id'] = $value['std']; } else { $$value['id'] = get_option( $value['id'] ); } } if ( is_page() ) { global $wp_query; $current_page_id = $wp_query->get_queried_object_id(); } ?> <?php get_header(); ?> <?php // If there are any posts: if (have_posts()) : $postcount == 0; ?> <?php if( is_archive() AND function_exists('page2cat_output')) { page2cat_output($cat); } // This is for the plugin Page2Cat https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/page2cat/ ?> <?php // Next/Previous PAGE Links (on multi post pages) // in next_posts_link "next" means older posts if ( !is_single() AND !is_page() AND strpos($bfa_ata_location_multi_next_prev,'Top')!==false AND show_posts_nav() ) { if (function_exists('wp_pagenavi')) { echo '<div class="wp-pagenavi-navigation">'; wp_pagenavi(); echo '</div>'; } else { echo '<div class="navigation-top"> <div class="older' . $nav_home_add . '">'; $bfa_ata_next_prev_orientation == 'Older Left, Newer Right' ? next_posts_link(bfa_escape($bfa_ata_multi_next_prev_older)) : previous_posts_link(bfa_escape($bfa_ata_multi_next_prev_newer)); echo ' </div>' . $nav_home_div . '<div class="newer' . $nav_home_add . '"> '; $bfa_ata_next_prev_orientation == 'Older Left, Newer Right' ? previous_posts_link(bfa_escape($bfa_ata_multi_next_prev_newer)) : next_posts_link(bfa_escape($bfa_ata_multi_next_prev_older)); echo '</div> <div class="clearboth"></div> </div>'; } } ?> <?php // Do this for all posts: while (have_posts()) : the_post(); $postcount++; ?> <?php // Next/Previous POST Links (on single post pages) // in next_post_link "next" means newer posts if ( is_single() AND strpos($bfa_ata_location_single_next_prev,'Top')!==false ) { echo '<div class="navigation-top"> <div class="older' . $nav_home_add_single . '">'; $bfa_ata_next_prev_orientation == 'Older Left, Newer Right' ? previous_post_link(bfa_escape($bfa_ata_single_next_prev_older)) : next_post_link(bfa_escape($bfa_ata_single_next_prev_newer)); echo ' </div>' . $nav_home_div_on_single . '<div class="newer' . $nav_home_add_single . '"> '; $bfa_ata_next_prev_orientation == 'Older Left, Newer Right' ? next_post_link(bfa_escape($bfa_ata_single_next_prev_newer)) : previous_post_link(bfa_escape($bfa_ata_single_next_prev_older)); echo '</div> <div class="clearboth"></div> </div>'; } ?> <div class="post<?php // new WP 2.7 "sticky" class only on real blog homepage if (function_exists('is_sticky')) { if ( is_home() AND !is_paged() AND is_sticky() ) { echo " sticky"; } } ?>"> <?php // Post Kicker if( (is_home() && $bfa_ata_post_kicker_home != "") OR (is_page() && $bfa_ata_post_kicker_page != "") OR (is_single() && $bfa_ata_post_kicker_single != "") OR ( (is_archive() OR is_search() OR is_author() OR is_tag()) && $bfa_ata_post_kicker_multi != "") ) { echo '<div class="post-kicker">'; if ( is_home() ) { echo postinfo("$bfa_ata_post_kicker_home"); } elseif ( is_page() ) { echo postinfo("$bfa_ata_post_kicker_page"); } elseif ( is_single() ) { echo postinfo("$bfa_ata_post_kicker_single"); } else { echo postinfo("$bfa_ata_post_kicker_multi"); } echo '</div>'; } ?> <!-- Post Headline --> <div class="post-headline"> <h2><?php if( !is_single() AND !is_page() ) { ?> <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php if (function_exists('the_title_attribute')) { the_title_attribute(); } elseif (function_exists('the_title')) { the_title(); } ?>"><?php } the_title(); if( !is_single() AND !is_page() ) { ?> </a><?php } ?> </h2> </div> <?php // Post Byline if( (is_home() && $bfa_ata_post_byline_home != "") OR (is_page() && $bfa_ata_post_byline_page != "") OR (is_single() && $bfa_ata_post_byline_single != "") OR ( (is_archive() OR is_search() OR is_author() OR is_tag()) && $bfa_ata_post_byline_multi != "") ) { echo '<div class="post-byline">'; if ( is_home() ) { echo postinfo("$bfa_ata_post_byline_home"); } elseif ( is_page() ) { echo postinfo("$bfa_ata_post_byline_page"); } elseif ( is_single() ) { echo postinfo("$bfa_ata_post_byline_single"); } else { echo postinfo("$bfa_ata_post_byline_multi"); } echo '</div>'; } ?> <!-- Post Body Copy --> <div class="post-bodycopy clearfix"> <?php if ((is_home() && $bfa_ata_excerpts_home == "Full Posts") OR (is_category() && $bfa_ata_excerpts_category == "Full Posts") OR (is_date() && $bfa_ata_excerpts_archive == "Full Posts") OR (is_tag() && $bfa_ata_excerpts_tag == "Full Posts") OR (is_search() && $bfa_ata_excerpts_search == "Full Posts") OR (is_author() && $bfa_ata_excerpts_author == "Full Posts") OR is_single() OR is_page() OR (is_home() AND !is_paged() AND $postcount <= $bfa_ata_full_posts_homepage) ) { $bfa_ata_more_tag_final = str_replace("%post-title%", the_title('', '', false), $bfa_ata_more_tag); the_content(bfa_escape($bfa_ata_more_tag_final)); } else { the_excerpt(); } ?> </div> <?php // Post Pagination if ((is_home() && $bfa_ata_excerpts_home == "Full Posts") OR (is_category() && $bfa_ata_excerpts_category == "Full Posts") OR (is_date() && $bfa_ata_excerpts_archive == "Full Posts") OR (is_tag() && $bfa_ata_excerpts_tag == "Full Posts") OR (is_search() && $bfa_ata_excerpts_search == "Full Posts") OR (is_author() && $bfa_ata_excerpts_author == "Full Posts") OR is_single() OR is_page() ) { wp_link_pages('before=<p class="post-pagination"><strong>' . __('Pages:','atahualpa') . '</strong> &after=</p>&next_or_number=number'); } ?> <?php // Show Archives page if configured if ( is_page() AND $current_page_id == $bfa_ata_archives_page_id ) { ?> <div class="archives-page"> <?php if ( $bfa_ata_archives_date_show == "Yes" ) { ?> <h3><?php echo $bfa_ata_archives_date_title; ?></h3> <ul> <?php wp_get_archives('type=' . $bfa_ata_archives_date_type . '&show_post_count=' . ($bfa_ata_archives_date_count == "Yes" ? '1' : '0')); ?> </ul> <?php } if ( $bfa_ata_archives_category_show == "Yes" ) { ?> <h3><?php echo $bfa_ata_archives_category_title; ?></h3> <ul> <?php wp_list_categories('title_li=&orderby=' . $bfa_ata_archives_category_orderby . '&order=' . $bfa_ata_archives_category_order . '&show_count=' . ($bfa_ata_archives_category_count == "Yes" ? '1' : '0') . '&depth=' . $bfa_ata_archives_category_depth . ($bfa_ata_archives_category_feed == "Yes" ? '&feed_image=' . get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/images/icons/feed.gif' : '')); ?> </ul> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php // Post Footer if( (is_home() && $bfa_ata_post_footer_home != "") OR (is_page() && $bfa_ata_post_footer_page != "") OR (is_single() && $bfa_ata_post_footer_single != "") OR ( (is_archive() OR is_search() OR is_author() OR is_tag()) && $bfa_ata_post_footer_multi != "") ) { echo '<div class="post-footer">'; if ( is_home() ) { echo postinfo("$bfa_ata_post_footer_home"); } elseif ( is_page() ) { echo postinfo("$bfa_ata_post_footer_page"); } elseif ( is_single() ) { echo postinfo("$bfa_ata_post_footer_single"); } else { echo postinfo("$bfa_ata_post_footer_multi"); } echo '</div>'; } ?> </div><!-- / Post --> <?php // Next/Previous POST Links (on single post pages) if ( is_single() AND strpos($bfa_ata_location_single_next_prev,'Middle')!==false ) { echo '<div class="navigation-middle"> <div class="older' . ($bfa_ata_home_single_next_prev != '' ? '-home' : '') . '">'; $bfa_ata_next_prev_orientation == 'Older Left, Newer Right' ? previous_post_link(bfa_escape($bfa_ata_single_next_prev_older)) : next_post_link(bfa_escape($bfa_ata_single_next_prev_newer)); echo ' </div>' . ($bfa_ata_home_single_next_prev!= '' ? '<div class="home"><a href="' . get_option('home') . '/">' . $bfa_ata_home_single_next_prev . '</a></div>' : '') . '<div class="newer' . ($bfa_ata_home_single_next_prev != '' ? '-home' : '') . '"> '; $bfa_ata_next_prev_orientation == 'Older Left, Newer Right' ? next_post_link(bfa_escape($bfa_ata_single_next_prev_newer)) : previous_post_link(bfa_escape($bfa_ata_single_next_prev_older)); echo '</div> <div class="clearboth"></div> </div>'; } ?> <?php // Load Comments template (on single post pages, and "Page" pages, if set on options page) if ( is_single() OR ( is_page() && $bfa_ata_comments_on_pages == "Yes") ) { if (function_exists('paged_comments')) { paged_comments_template(); // If plugin "Paged Comments" is activated, for WP 2.6 and older } else { comments_template(); // This will load either legacy comments template (for WP 2.6 and older) or the new standard comments template (for WP 2.7 and newer) } } ?> <?php // Next/Previous POST Links (on single post pages) // in next_post_link "next" means newer if ( is_single() AND strpos($bfa_ata_location_single_next_prev,'Bottom')!==false ) { echo '<div class="navigation-bottom"> <div class="older' . ($bfa_ata_home_single_next_prev != '' ? '-home' : '') . '">'; $bfa_ata_next_prev_orientation == 'Older Left, Newer Right' ? previous_post_link(bfa_escape($bfa_ata_single_next_prev_older)) : next_post_link(bfa_escape($bfa_ata_single_next_prev_newer)); echo ' </div>' . ($bfa_ata_home_single_next_prev!= '' ? '<div class="home"><a href="' . get_option('home') . '/">' . $bfa_ata_home_single_next_prev . '</a></div>' : '') . '<div class="newer' . ($bfa_ata_home_single_next_prev != '' ? '-home' : '') . '"> '; $bfa_ata_next_prev_orientation == 'Older Left, Newer Right' ? next_post_link(bfa_escape($bfa_ata_single_next_prev_newer)) : previous_post_link(bfa_escape($bfa_ata_single_next_prev_older)); echo '</div> <div class="clearboth"></div> </div>'; } ?> <?php // END of: Do this for all posts endwhile; ?> <?php // Next/Previous PAGE Links (on multi post pages) // in next_posts_link "next" means older if ( !is_single() AND !is_page() AND strpos($bfa_ata_location_multi_next_prev,'Bottom')!==false AND show_posts_nav() ) { if (function_exists('wp_pagenavi')) { echo '<div class="wp-pagenavi-navigation">'; wp_pagenavi(); echo '</div>'; } else { echo '<div class="navigation-bottom"> <div class="older' . $nav_home_add . '">'; $bfa_ata_next_prev_orientation == 'Older Left, Newer Right' ? next_posts_link(bfa_escape($bfa_ata_multi_next_prev_older)) : previous_posts_link(bfa_escape($bfa_ata_multi_next_prev_newer)); echo ' </div>' . $nav_home_div . '<div class="newer' . $nav_home_add . '"> '; $bfa_ata_next_prev_orientation == 'Older Left, Newer Right' ? previous_posts_link(bfa_escape($bfa_ata_multi_next_prev_newer)) : next_posts_link(bfa_escape($bfa_ata_multi_next_prev_older)); echo '</div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div>'; } } ?> <?php // END of: If there are any posts // If there are no posts: else : ?> <h2><?php _e('Not Found','atahualpa'); ?></h2> <p><?php _e("Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn't here.","atahualpa"); ?></p> <?php endif; ?> <?php get_footer(); ?>
The code for adding the Gallery is:
<?php include (ABSPATH . '/wp-content/plugins/featured-content-gallery/gallery.php'); ?>
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