Upon upgrade to 4.3, we are also seeing a change in featured image behavior. I have disabled all plug-ins except JetPack, but Publicize is not activated.
On going to Set Featured Image modal dialog, the library never appears. I can only upload a new image. When I do that, WordPress puts the image in the wp_postmeta table in the database but does not inert a thumbnail row in that table. It only inserts two rows into postmeta: the one attaching the image to the post and the one with the sizes of images the theme created.
I am using a theme developed by a third party and some of the code I have seen doesn’t exactly conform to WordPress best practices, but nothing was actually broken until 4.3.
THe behavior on the post editing screen is that the featured image does not appear. Here’s something worse: It occasionally works but mostly it doesn’t, and I’m concerned something may be wrong with the PHP version on the server.
Anyway, the incomplete insertion of featured images into wp_postmeta is new with the 4.3 upgrade. I don’t know if it’s the theme, the PHP version, or some bug in 4.3…