• Resolved Zhe Vasylieva



    my blog: https://zzzhe.wordpress.com/

    I really like your theme! Don’t wanna change anything) But I’m experiencing some problems with a featured image. I download it on my editing page and everything seems to work ok while I’m writing a post. But when I click “preview” or publish it – featured image is gone ?? I’ve tried different file sizes and resolutions, refreshed the page – nothing. The only thing that worked is changing post format to “image” *although my first post is “status” and somehow it worked the first time…* I want to use various post formats with featured images – so maybe you can help my with this issue?..


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  • Hi there, only posts with the Image post format display the featured images on single posts in Sorbet.

    For all other post formats (Standard, Status, Aside, etc.) Sorbet displays featured images on the blog page, but not individual single posts.

    These forums are for folks running the WordPress software on their own hosting, but your site is hosted over at WordPress.com, so if you need further help in the future, please post over in the WordPress.com forums:


    or use the live chat option when available:



    Thread Starter Zhe Vasylieva


    Oops, I got redirected here automatically from Help page and I overlooked .org instead of .com.
    That’s a shame I can’t place featured images on all posts..
    But thank you anyway for your help!

    You’re welcome!

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  • The topic ‘Featured image not working’ is closed to new replies.