When my post shares with FB and Google+, on the initial posting, many times FB will post the image when Google+ does not. thelazygeeks.com has been having this issue randomly.
I tried posting 4 posts together and yet the problem with publishing with featured image to G+ profile occurs in 1/4 posts.
I’m afraid there is not much I can do to help there.
When you share a post on Facebook or Google+, or when Jetpack Publicize publishes a post to your Facebook or Google+ page, both networks crawl the page and look for meta tags to build a post preview. Facebook only use Open Graph meta tags, while Google+ starts by looking for structured data as recommended on Schema.org, and then fallbacks to Open Graph Meta tags, and finally to Meta titles and descriptions.
@sunnydsouza Your site uses WOrdPress SEO’s Open Graph Meta Tags, and the tags can be found in all your posts. Jetpack consequently has no control over the look of your posts on Facebook or Google+.
The meta tags seem correct, and Facebook seems happy with them as you can see when entering one of your URLs in Facebook’s Debugger.
@shinzon30 You do not use Jetpack’s Open Graph Meta tags on your site either. Instead, you’ve installed another Open Graph plugin, WordPress Facebook Open Graph protocol. Like for @sunnydsouza , Jetpack has no control over the look of your posts on Facebook or Google+.
The tags generated by that plugin look correct, and Facebook’s debugger doesn’t return any errors.
So both of your sites seem to include data to allow Social Networks to build post previews. Both WordPress SEO and WordPress Facebook Open Graph protocol seem to work properly.
However, for some reason these 2 Social Networks can’t seem to see any data when they first crawl your post immediately after you publish. They do see data later on though, as you saw when sharing your posts manually or asking Facebook to crawl the post again.
We also know that the problem is pretty much random; Facebook and Google+ see meta tags for some of your posts, but not for others.
It seems to me that the problem could be caused by some performance issues on your sites. Facebook and Google+ are often the first ones to load your posts when you use Publicize, because they get to do so as soon as you’ve published, before your readers can access the page.
If that first page load is too slow, Facebook and Google’s bots might give up and stop trying to look for meta tags after a little while.
I’d consequently recommend that you look for solutions to improve the first page load speed on your site, either via caching plugins or via services like CloudFlare.
If that doesn’t help, I’d recommend getting in touch with Google+ or Facebook; they might have other recommendations to help you get your site meta tags crawled by their bots.
I hope this helps.