Featured Images wrong path using Multipost-MU plugin on multisite
Hi Im using Multisite and trying to replicate posts from main blog to child, and from child to main blog using the Multiposu-MU plugin.
Everything goes weel except with the Featured Image, I needed to add some code lines to transfer the featured images here is the code
function multiPost( $postID ) { global $switched, $blog_id, $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); // ensure multipost is only triggered from source blog to prevent massive cascade of posts if( $blog_id != $_POST['HMMPMU_source_blog_id'] ){ return false; } // get existing child posts, if any $childPosts = unserialize( get_post_meta( $postID, 'HMMultipostMU_children', true ) ); if( empty( $childPosts ) ) { $childPosts = array(); // key = blog_id, val = post_id } // get post $thisPost = get_post( $postID ); $postCustomFields = get_post_custom( $postID ); // ******HERES WHAT ADDED******** $image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id($postID),full ); $filetype = wp_check_filetype( $image_url[0] ); $wp_upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $argsFile = array( 'guid' => $wp_upload_dir['url'] . '/' . basename( $image_url[0] ), 'post_mime_type' => $filetype['type'], 'post_title' => esc_attr( $thisPost->post_title), // you may want something different here 'post_content' => '', 'post_status' => 'inherit' ); /**************************************/ unset( $postCustomFields['HMMultipostMU_children'] ); // we don't want to copy this one to sub-blogs... rippled chaos will ensue! unset( $postCustomFields['_edit_lock'] ); unset( $postCustomFields['_edit_last'] ); $thisPostTags = wp_get_post_tags( $postID ); // get array of categories (need ->name parameter) $thisPostCategories = wp_get_object_terms( $postID, 'category' ); $masterPostCats = array(); // pull category id/name into array for easier searching foreach( $thisPostCategories as $thisPostCategory ) { $masterPostCats[$thisPostCategory->term_id] = $thisPostCategory->name; } $thisPostTags_string = ''; foreach( $thisPostTags as $thisPostTag ) { $thisPostTags_string .= $thisPostTag->name .','; } $thisPostTags_string = trim( $thisPostTags_string, ',' ); // create post object with this post's data $dupePost = array( 'post_title' => $thisPost->post_title, 'post_content' => $thisPost->post_content, 'post_status' => $thisPost->post_status, 'post_author' => $thisPost->post_author, 'post_excerpt' => $thisPost->post_excerpt, 'post_date' => $thisPost->post_date, 'post_date_gmt' => $thisPost->post_date_gmt, 'post_modified' => $thisPost->post_modified, 'post_modified_gmt' => $thisPost->post_modified_gmt, 'tags_input' => $thisPostTags_string ); //check if post is sticky $sticky = is_sticky($postID); // get list of blogs //$subBlogs = get_blog_list( 0, 'all' ); $subBlogs = get_blogs_of_user( $current_user->ID ); // get the subBlogs in chronological order as get_blog_list() pulls in reverse cron order foreach( $subBlogs as $subBlog ) { // if user selected specific blogs in which to post and this blog isn't among them, skip to next if( !empty( $_POST['HMMPMU_selectedSubBlogs'] ) && !in_array( $subBlog->userblog_id, $_POST['HMMPMU_selectedSubBlogs'] ) ) { // if a previous post exists on this blog, but isnt now needed, delete it if( in_array( $subBlog->userblog_id, array_keys( $childPosts ) ) ) { if( switch_to_blog( $subBlog->userblog_id ) === true ) { wp_delete_post( $childPosts[$subBlog->userblog_id] ); // jump back to master blog restore_current_blog(); unset( $childPosts[$subBlog->userblog_id] ); } } continue; } if( $blog_id != $subBlog->userblog_id ) { // skip the current blog $childPostID = 0; // used to hold new/updated post for each sub-blog // switch each sub-blog if( switch_to_blog( $subBlog->userblog_id ) === true ) { if( isset( $childPosts[$subBlog->userblog_id] ) ) { // there is already an existing post for this blog $dupePost['ID'] = $childPosts[$subBlog->userblog_id]; // set post ID $childPostID = wp_update_post( $dupePost ); unset( $dupePost['ID'] ); // remove post ID from duped post object } else { // no existing post for this blog, and was checked, create a new post if( !empty( $_POST['HMMPMU_selectedSubBlogs'] ) && in_array( $subBlog->userblog_id, $_POST['HMMPMU_selectedSubBlogs'] ) ) { $childPostID = wp_insert_post( $dupePost ); } } if( $childPostID > 0 ) { // get the new post's object $childPost = get_post( $childPostID ); // get existing categories for this blog $childBlogCats = get_terms( 'category' ); // if matching category found, add post to it $matchingCatID = 0; $childCatsToAdd = array(); foreach( $masterPostCats as $masterPostCats_key=>$masterPostCats_value ) { $matchingTerm = get_term_by( 'name', $masterPostCats_value, 'category' ); if( $matchingTerm === false ) { // create new term/category $newCatID = wp_create_category( $masterPostCats_value ); $matchingTerm = get_term( $newCatID, 'category' ); } array_push( $childCatsToAdd, $matchingTerm->term_id ); } // add terms/categories to post wp_set_post_categories( $childPostID, $childCatsToAdd ); // update or set custom fields foreach( $postCustomFields as $postCustomFieldKey=>$postCustomFieldValue ) { //update existing custom field (this adds first if fields does not yet exist) foreach( $postCustomFieldValue as $postCustomFieldValueItem ){ update_post_meta( $childPostID, $postCustomFieldKey, $postCustomFieldValueItem ); } } // if the update/new post was successful, add it to the array of child posts $childPosts[$subBlog->userblog_id] = $childPostID; // *********MOREE THAT I ADDED******** $thumb_id = wp_insert_attachment( $argsFile, $image_url[0], $childPostID ); require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php'); $metadata = wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $thumb_id, $image_url[0] ); wp_update_attachment_metadata( $thumb_id, $metadata ); // Finally! set our post thumbnail update_post_meta( $childPostID, '_thumbnail_id', $thumb_id ); /*********************************/ // if the original post was sticky, set the new one sticky. otherwise remove sticky. if($sticky === true){ stick_post($childPostID); } elseif(is_sticky($childPostID)===true) { unstick_post($childPostID); } } // jump back to master blog restore_current_blog(); } } }
Well, when i post from child blog to master blog everything is ok, the featured image works, but when i post from master to child the featured image shows broken, because de url “uplodas/sites/2/…”.
Anyone can help me please?
Sorry about my english, i from Brazil!
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