• nickjarvis


    First of all i’ve got to say awesome plugin! Especially that it works natively like wordpress featured image!

    My question is how would i use this featured video input functionality on the frontend?

    Basically im wanting to be able to allow a user to have the same featured video plus input box that appears on the backend edit post pages, on the front end submit post page with a video preview exactly the same display as the backend, how would I achieve this ? Could i use gravity forms or something along those lines for this ? Or is there a code snippet I could use, I have a very basic understanding of php syntax.

    The next two features would be really awesome, a shortcode to do this from the front end, and a record button to start recording from your webcam or camera phone and then being able to save to a cdm or to the media gallery, in the inputbox appearing the url where the file is saved weather it be remotely in a cdm like wistia or amazon services or locally in the woordpress uploads folder.

    Any of this possible ?

    Finally the last awesome feature would be to be able to pause and resume the embeded videos on a page using the library player.js from embed.ly I have a code snippet that might help to achieve this. The only thing i neeed the code snippet to do is to keep the videos muted until the user clicks on it then plays normally, here is the code snippet and of course the video names from your plugin injected into the script.

    If you can do any or all of this, or know any workarounds. I will defiantly be buying you a beer ??

    (function($, document, window){
      // An object that keeps track of all the iframes on the page.
      var Scroller = function(iframes){
      Scroller.prototype.init = function(iframes){
        this.data = [];
        // create a player for each of the iframes.
        iframes.each($.proxy(function(i, elem){
          var $elem = $(elem);
          // create the player.
          var player = new playerjs.Player(elem);
          // when the player is ready, add it to the rotatation
          player.on('ready', function(){
            this.add($elem, player);
          }, this);
        }, this));
        // Listen to the scroll events.
      // Add the elements positioning data.
      Scroller.prototype.add = function($elem, player){
        var t = $elem.offset().top,
          b = t + $elem.height();
          top: t,
          bottom: b,
          $elem: $elem,
          player: player
      // Called by the on scroll event.
      Scroller.prototype.scrolled = function(){
        var $window = $(window);
        // Get the scrollTop and scrollBottom.
        var t = $window.scrollTop();
           var b = t + $window.height();
        // It possible to have multiple videos inframe, so we only want to play
        // the first one or the one that has the largest percentage in frame.
        $.each($.map(this.data, function(obj, i){
          // We need to find the percentage of the video that's in frame.
          var p = 0;
          // There is overlap of the window and iframe.
          if (obj.top <= b && obj.bottom >= t) {
            // Height of the embed.
            var h = obj.bottom - obj.top;
            // Based on the window, figure out percentages.
            if (obj.bottom > b){
              p = (b - obj.top) / h;
            } else if (obj.top < t){
              p = (obj.bottom - t) / h;
            } else {
              p = 1;
          // Stripped down object of what we need.
          return {
            p: p,
            t: obj.top,
            player: obj.player
        }).sort(function(a, b){
          // sort based on percentages.
          if (a.p > b.p){
            return -1;
          } else if (a.p < b.p) {
            return 1;
           // If the percentages are equal, use the one higher on the page.
          if (a.t < b.t){
            return -1;
          } else if (a.t > b.t){
            return 1;
          return 0;
        }), function(i, obj){
          // the first obj in the list should be the one we want to play, but
          // make sure it has at least a little inframe.
          if (i === 0 && obj.p > 0.25){
          } else {
            // pause the rest.
      // Called when the window is resized. It allows use to update the data
      // to with the new top and bottom. It's a bit faster to do this, as window
      // resize isn't called all that often.
      Scroller.prototype.resized = function(){
        $.each(this.data, function(i, obj){
          obj.top = obj.$elem.offset().top;
          obj.bottom = obj.top + obj.$elem.height();
        // We call scrolled here as most likely something went out of frame.
      Scroller.prototype.listen = function($elem, player){
        var $window = $(window);
        // Listen to the scroll event.
        $window.on('scroll', $.proxy(function(){
          // Nothings ready yet.
          if (this.data.length === 0){
            return false;
        }, this));
        // Listen to the resize event.
        $window.on('resize', $.proxy(function(){
          // Nothings ready yet.
          if (this.data.length === 0){
            return false;
        }, this));
      $(document).on('ready', function(){
        var URLS = [
        // Embed the URLS.
            if (!obj.html){
              return false;
            // Responsive.
            var ratio = ((obj.height/obj.width)*100).toPrecision(4) + '%';
            var $div = $('<div class="resp"></div>');
            $div.css('padding-bottom', ratio);
            // For padding in the demo.
            var $box = $('<div class="scroll-box"></div>');
          // Set up all the new scrollers.
          var scroller = new Scroller($('iframe'));
    })(jQuery, document, window);</script>
        $.embedly.defaults.key = '3ee528c9eb4b4908b268ce1ace120c92';



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