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  • Hi Saskew,

    Make sure that you have enabled at least one valid service on the settings page. If the problem persist, enable debug mode and make sure you are getting some services in the Response.

    Thread Starter saskew


    Hi Ni WooForce –

    Thanks for the reply. I’m not sure what you mean? I indicated in my initial post that i had enabled USPS Simple as well and it’s showing up. Is that what you mean?

    I’ve enabled Shipping Options, then USPS Simple then FedEx Basic and FedEx Basic options are not displaying, but USPS are.


    Please reffer this article section ‘General Settings’. It would help you know more about debug mode.

    Please enable debug mode and post API request and response. Make sure your credentials are removed from the Request.

    Thread Starter saskew


    Thank you.

    Here you go I’ve pasted the Request and Response below sans creds. Thanks. Steve

    FedEx REQUEST:
    [WebAuthenticationDetail] => Array
    [UserCredential] => Array
    [Key] =>
    [Password] =>


    [ClientDetail] => Array
    [AccountNumber] =>
    [MeterNumber] =>

    [TransactionDetail] => Array
    [CustomerTransactionId] => *** WooCommerce Rate Request ***

    [Version] => Array
    [ServiceId] => crs
    [Major] => 16
    [Intermediate] => 0
    [Minor] => 0

    [RequestedShipment] => Array
    [PreferredCurrency] => USD
    [DropoffType] => REGULAR_PICKUP
    [ShipTimestamp] => 2016-05-30T00:00:00+00:00
    [PackagingType] => YOUR_PACKAGING
    [Shipper] => Array
    [Address] => Array
    [PostalCode] => 30030
    [CountryCode] => US


    [ShippingChargesPayment] => Array
    [PaymentType] => SENDER
    [Payor] => Array
    [ResponsibleParty] => Array
    [AccountNumber] => 510087402
    [CountryCode] => US



    [RateRequestTypes] => LIST
    [Recipient] => Array
    [Address] => Array
    [Residential] => 1
    [PostalCode] => 05674
    [City] =>
    [StateOrProvinceCode] => VT
    [CountryCode] => US


    [RequestedPackageLineItems] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [SequenceNumber] => 1
    [GroupNumber] => 1
    [GroupPackageCount] => 1
    [Weight] => Array
    [Value] => 2.7
    [Units] => LB

    [Dimensions] => Array
    [Length] => 4.5
    [Width] => 4.38
    [Height] => 3.38
    [Units] => IN

    [InsuredValue] => Array
    [Amount] => 157
    [Currency] => USD



    [PackageCount] => 1
    [TotalInsuredValue] => Array
    [Amount] => 157
    [Currency] => USD




    stdClass Object
    [HighestSeverity] => ERROR
    [Notifications] => stdClass Object
    [Severity] => ERROR
    [Source] => prof
    [Code] => 1000
    [Message] => Authentication Failed

    [TransactionDetail] => stdClass Object
    [CustomerTransactionId] => *** WooCommerce Rate Request ***

    [Version] => stdClass Object
    [ServiceId] => crs
    [Major] => 16
    [Intermediate] => 0
    [Minor] => 0


    I just checked your API request and response, It saying ‘Authentication Failed’.
    Please double check the credentials you were given.

    Thread Starter saskew


    Hi. I do see that in the response, but I’ve double and triple checked the credentials FedEx gave me and they are configured correctly. Not sure where to go from here, should i reach out to FedEx? Should I try to generate new credentials?

    Please make sure that proper credentials are used with Test or Production environments. If all are correct, you may need to contact FedEx.

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