Hi, would you help me with a similar issue? The Instagram feed was working fine until recently (probably the 4.5 update), but now it only displays a spinning wheel. I tried resetting my access token and disabling other plugins, making sure that the JavaScript wp footer function is there, and toggling Ajax just in case. My JavaScript console is clean in Firefox but has some errors in Chrome.
I was using the simple [instagram-feed] shortcode. Thank you!
Edit: The plugin is being used down here: https://brianhutsonmusic.com/#section6
Site URL: https://brianhutsonmusic.com
Home URL: https://brianhutsonmusic.com
WordPress Version: 4.5
PHP Version: 5.6.17
Web Server Info: Apache
Akismet: 3.1.9
Insert Headers and Footers: 1.3.3
Instagram Feed: 1.3.11
MailPoet Newsletters: 2.7.1
MF Gig Calendar: 1.0.3
MOJO Marketplace: 0.7.2
Photo Gallery: 1.2.94
Responsive WordPress Slider – Soliloquy Lite:
sb_instagram_plugin_type => Instagram Feed Free
sb_instagram_at => 2128124914.1654d0c.44da0a91149a40b190fb7ecd5c01c7f0
sb_instagram_user_id => 2128124914
sb_instagram_preserve_settings => on
sb_instagram_ajax_theme => on
sb_instagram_width => 100
sb_instagram_width_unit => %
sb_instagram_height =>
sb_instagram_num => 33
sb_instagram_height_unit => px
sb_instagram_cols => 4
sb_instagram_disable_mobile =>
sb_instagram_image_padding => 5
sb_instagram_image_padding_unit => px
sb_instagram_sort => none
sb_instagram_background =>
sb_instagram_show_btn => on
sb_instagram_btn_background =>
sb_instagram_btn_text_color =>
sb_instagram_btn_text => Load More…
sb_instagram_image_res => auto
sb_instagram_show_header => on
sb_instagram_header_color =>
sb_instagram_show_follow_btn => on
sb_instagram_folow_btn_background =>
sb_instagram_follow_btn_text_color =>
sb_instagram_follow_btn_text => Follow on Instagram
sb_instagram_custom_css =>
sb_instagram_custom_js =>