• Hi dear @zaheer01,
    Here is my feedback from my tests so far (and some suggestions):

    1. Edit/Delete event on front-end by event creator/group admin/group mod (needed)

    2. Support for private and hidden groups. Events in those groups still appear on the /events/ page, and in the widget and are searchable by a search tool, for example BP Global Search, which is not good for privacy.

    3. Impossible to set an event that starts and ends in the same day. For example, I cannot set an event for July 14, 2019 from 2pm to 4pm

    4. I suggest a different layout for aesthetic reasons: Only one tab on the main group navbar. This tab could have three subtabs; one for Upcoming/Past events, one for Calendar and one for Event creation.

    5. The a€” bug still persists when you move from a week to the next week using the arrows > and <

    That’s for now. I may come back if I find something else to report. I understand that this is a new plugin; so all these inconveniences are somehow normal. Your plugin is an excellent plugin and I thank you.

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  • Plugin Author zaheer01


    @georgio-1 you are awesome. I need that type of feedback to make my plugin awesome. For now i am stuck in something after few days you’ll see an updated plugin.

    Thank You Very Much.

    Thread Starter Georgio


    Thank you for your responsiveness and your kind words!

    Some more feedback:

    6. Give the possibility to choose which day the Week starts. Sunday is not convenient for all countries. And even in countries that prefer Sunday, a group creator who organizes events on week-ends may choose Monday because a two-day week-end event will display as broken on the Calendar, if the Week starts on Sunday.

    If the site has users from different countries (expecially if it is multilingual) I think that the group creator should choose the week start day (not the site admin).

    7. CDNs. As for jsdelivr.net, I think that it would be good to include the validation file in the plugin to enhance the sense of privacy. This is good in some cases, e.g.
    -communities with concerns about privacy (scientists or businesspeople collaborating on projects)
    -sites that make Privacy a strategic argument. That is they sell more than services, they “sell Privacy” as well (vip clubs…)

    As for bootstrap, it slows my site 780ms, tested on https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/ so I removed the line temporarily.
    I think it would be better to serve icons from a folder in the plugin.

    8. Allow Group creator to deactivate Events (if they don’t need it) and decide who can publish events (group users, group mods).

    9. Insert Event in the Activity Stream (only for Public groups)

    10. When clicking on an event to go to its single page, there must be a link to return back.

    11 Make Attendees display automatically on the Event Single page or give an option to activate display (without using shortcode). This is not important, just for convenience.

    12. Add Google Maps or Openstreet feature for event location.

    13. Maybe add a page on BP User Profile with events they created/participate.
    This is good if the group creator is an Event Organizer. It also allows to see in what events our friends participate and maybe attend those events, since we normally trust friends’ choices.

    14. Maybe add a separate text area in the creation form, so that group creators can insert Paypal button code (for charging or donating).

    I think that BP Event Manager has an enormous potential!

    Plugin Author zaheer01


    hats off dear you are awesome. I’ll complete all the things you mention earlier and in this feedback.

    Plugin Author zaheer01


    Dear @georgio-1 60% of above requirements has been done and uploaded successfully, working on remaining requirements.

    Thread Starter Georgio


    Thank you @zaheer01
    It is improved now, but I see three tabs, that occupy much space on the navbar and may be annoying for someone who doesn’t use Events. As I suggested, in my first post, I think it is better to make them subnavs.

    Event Visibility. In public groups, a non-member when clicking on Events they see a notice “Only Group Members Can Access Events” but if they click on Event Calendar, they can see Events. In my opinion, Events must have the group’s visibility level,that is visible everywhere for public groups, and hidden outside the group (/events/ page, activity streams, widgets, search…) for private and hidden groups.

    -The creation form forces to complete non required fields which may be an annoying bug in some cases, for example, you have a membership site and you want to hide image uploading option for free members for saving space or you may find the Featured Image of your theme ugly (I removed it with TwentySeventeen).

    Tests with complementary plugins I use:

    -Search. With BP Global Search, it works.
    -Share. With Shariff, it works.
    -Like. With wp ulike, it works.
    -Stats. With Post Views Counter, it works.
    -Report. It doesn’t work with BP Moderation, but there is an example file in the plugin for developers who want to add support for their plugins. The equityengage branch is the most updated.

    Thread Starter Georgio


    Make BP Event Manager GDPR-compliant

    European Union Users are concerned by the GDPR law about personal data privacy. More here

    Simply put, they must be able to erase and export their data. If you care about EU users you can use the new WP feature (since 4.9.6 version) to implement this.

    Please, tell if you are going to implement this feature. If it’s “Yes, but later”, no problem, I can put a notice that Events Export is planned. If it’s No, I have to look for another plugin as I live in France.

    Plugin Author zaheer01


    Thanks for your feedback again.
    I tried to create sub-navs such as
    — Create Event
    — Event List Such as Upcoming and Past Posts
    — Event Calendar
    with buddypress built in sub-navs but it is not working I am thinking I might create my custom sub-navs.

    and google maps require monthly paid subscription here in Pakistan/India so I am unable to add google maps.

    I had read all your above messages carefully so i am working on your feedback thanks again.

    Plugin Author zaheer01


    For now i don’t know what it requires to make my plugin GDPR-compliant but i am searching for it. I think I just have to add checkbox to take permission from user that they allow to give there information to website the plugin is installed in it.

    Thread Starter Georgio


    GDPR law is about personal data, data that can identify a person directly or indirectly. Events are not personal data by default, unless they contain personal information. It’s difficult to control all events, unless they have publishing status “Pending”.

    Optionally, you can add a checkbox as a privacy layer, many developers do it with their plugins, but in most cases it is useless, since site admins include permission for storage on the privacy page of the site. When a user registers to a site, they check a checkbox with a link to that page, so, in my opinion, it’s ok.

    But users should have the right (according to GDPR) to control all their personal information. This, practically, means that they must have an overview of their personal data so that they can decide what to leave and what to erase (if they want to).

    The Export Data feature gives more control, because in the case of a legal conflict between a site admin and a user, a site admin cannot manipulate data that… have been exported.

    The problem with exporting is that in some cases the amount of data is enormous.
    It must be the case of BP Event Manager because an event is like a post.

    If you want to make BP Event Manager GDPR-compliant I suggest to add a user profile page with user’s events and the possibility to erase them in all cases. That may be tricky if a user has published an event in a group and later the group manager has banned them from the group. Banned user’s events must be auto-deleted or they could be able to delete their events from the profile.

    The exporting feature is not mandatory but strongly recommended. I suggest not to include all the content, but its main features (title with link, creator, date, location… and attendees) so that, in case of conflict, it could be confirmed by other users (e.g. attendees) that such an event has been published.

    Plugin Author zaheer01


    I had created GDPR-compliant i’ll upload it later for now i stuck in something will come back.

    Plugin Author zaheer01


    @georgio-1 GDPR-compliant added

    Thread Starter Georgio


    Hi @zaheer01
    The plugin is not really GDPR-compliant. I think that GDPR-compliance may take some time to implement. In the meantime, people try your plugin and deactivate it. I saw 30 installs yesterday and now I see 20.

    The number one priority is Tabs. Your plugin is unusable with 3 tabs on the navbar.
    Between the second and the third tab of your plugin I see Mediapress tab (since I have installed this plugin). On smartphones each tab adds a row making the menu list more long. There is a problem to fix.

    I ‘ll come back when I have more time.

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