• First off, thanks for reading this! I haven’t had much luck yet finding a good place to receive feedback and criticism on some of my WordPress developments, so I’m kindly asking the WordPress community to do just that.

    What I would like to share is a platform (plugin) for developing responsive WordPress sites and themes, as well as the first theme that I’ve created using this platform.

    I’ve setup the domain and website here: https://therapidplatform.com, feel free to take a look around as most pages do have content. There is a certain philosophy and direction this platform would be heading which coincides with my own needs as a WordPress developer, and there are some obvious kinks which still need to be ironed out. It is however fully functional as the website should demonstrate. Shrink your browser window down to mobile width and you’ll see the responsive mobile menu, which is the latest addition to the responsive shortcodes library.

    The first “quirk” you’ll notice, Rapid Platform is not like most frameworks (Hybrid/Thesis/Genesis/Thematic/PageLines/Underscores) which rely on a parent theme as the foundation for a new theme or design. Also it has been advised that a custom theme shouldn’t require plugins, but for now we are completely breaking that rule based on the idea that the Rapid Platform plugin can be installed and used to enhance existing themes, not just new ones. I haven’t had the chance to test this across various themes yet, but I’ve setup a TwentyEleven site which demonstrates how the platform’s responsive shortcodes work in existing themes.

    I would like to provide a beta download, but I’m waiting to get a feel from other people on whether or not this seems like a useful tool, or if I’m simply pursuing a flawed approach. Thanks again for your…

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  • From what I’ve been able to gather, you’re creating a drop-in library, got an API on top of WordPress’ Settings API, and including shortcodes (a big no-no for themes if these are post content shortcodes).

    It’d be nice to actually see the code. It’d help explaining your approach.

    The first “quirk” you’ll notice, Rapid Platform is not like most frameworks (Hybrid/Thesis/Genesis/Thematic/PageLines/Underscores) which rely on a parent theme as the foundation for a new theme or design.

    Also, I just wanted to note that the Hybrid Core framework is nothing like that list of themes you grouped it with. In fact, it’s not a theme at all. You can check it out here to see the difference:

    Don’t take this wrong, but instead of posting what sounds like a marketing pitch and then asking if there might be enough interest for a beta, just share your code. If it’s not polished enough for a final release, stick it on github or bitbucket or something. But you won’t get solid feedback without people being able to see what you’re doing.

    (Oh, and Underscores also isn’t designed for a parent/child setup.)

    Thread Starter hectavex


    Justin, thanks for clarifying. You may remember my kind words on Twitter…your blog has been an invaluable learning resource for me and it would be an honor to have you review the code when it’s available. By “post content shortcodes” do you mean shortcodes which query content in certain Posts, or shortcodes that run after the_content()? You are correct in assuming Rapid Platform would be a drop-in library, though I’m not just creating “wrappers” around typical WordPress functions, it’s more so about simplifying redundant work. For instance, WordPress gives you a modular way to add options to the Theme Customizer. I’ve taken a similar modular approach for allowing developers to incorporate any number of theme/site options into the WordPress back-end. The option files cascade, meaning we can have certain options included by default with the Rapid Platform plugin, and more options can be added to the parent/child theme. All options across the plugin/parent theme/child theme are loaded into one chain.

    Amy, “Just share your code” ??

    That’s easier than it sounds, and I’ll certainly be sharing the code! But I have to wonder about the other people who have shared their ideas and designs in this forum and weren’t asked to supply the source code or keys to their kingdom right away! Hopefully I’m not asking for too much in that respect.

    Anyhow, being a developer myself I can respect the fact that the WordPress community wants to get their hands dirty on some code right away…it’s merely what they do! So I’ll work on getting a beta out there in the next day or so hopefully…

    I have to wonder about the other people who have shared their ideas and designs in this forum and weren’t asked to supply the source code or keys to their kingdom right away!

    Are you saying that your plugin won’t be released under GPL?

    Thread Starter hectavex


    Are you saying that your plugin won’t be released under GPL?

    No, I’m pretty sure it will be GPL as recommended.

    Thread Starter hectavex


    As I am preparing for a beta release, I’ve gone through the plugin/theme files and cleaned out any remnants, old code blocks and unused libs so now it’s looking clean and very lightweight. I think there’s one more thing that still needs to get done first which involves the creation of user defined options. This happens automatically on plugin activation, but I would rather prompt the user with the list of user-defined options that are about to be inserted into the database, then allow the user to proceed manually when he/she is ready to have them inserted.

    It seems the pressure is on to “show me the code” (even though I feel the website demonstrates everything nicely), so it looks like there could be a beta sooner than I had anticipated after all. I’ll drop a download link here when it’s ready!

    Thread Starter hectavex


    I wanted to follow up and since I can’t edit my previous reply I will have to bump this thread. I’ve started a G+ community for staying up to date on the developments for Rapid Platform. Thank you all for the feedback and taking the time to learn about this new project/solution.

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