I’m stupid, I posted the following in the wrong topic….
Sorry for the delay! I reviewed your site and it is indeed very nice (and yes you seem just as anal as me). I really like the “footer” on each of your entries, e.g. the category, mail post, comments, etc. So much so it inspired me to finally do something about mine because I was putting it off for so long.
One thing I noticed is you don’t have your feeds set off. Perhaps a seperate heading in your sidebar would let people know the various feeds you offer. Perhaps a button?
Now this is being really anal, but perhaps you could change the hover style of your post titles so they don’t underline when the cursor is over them, you really don’t need that.
How about a friendlier 404 page? See mine: https://mayurpatel.org/asdf1234
No navigation bar?
And I’m sure this is something you plan on doing but promote promote promote.
Nice job!