• Hi Frank,

    firstly thank you for making your plugin available, it’s very kind of you.

    I’m a trialling it for free language lessons that I offer on my site https://www.learnenglishspanishonline.com.

    Up until now I have been using mTouch quiz which I do like but it doesn’t offer the option to record quiz result info etc which is a feature of your plugin that especially I like.

    Just as a bit of feedback the features I would suggest are 1. the ability to put questions and answers in random order (two separate options as sometimes I want to leave the quiz questions in order but have the answers appear in random order or vicecersa).

    Also the option to have a pop up hint instead of one that shows the whole time would be good to help students to draw on their own knowledge first and just use the clue (hint) only if they need to.

    Mtouch quizes also allows you have a pop up when the person answers whether they chose the right answer or the wrong one. With the right answer i use this to give a fuller explanation of why that answer was correct, perhaps amplifying a grammar rule etc and with the incorrect answer I can give more information so that they understand why their answer was incorrect.

    And finally the option to have the questions appear one by one or all in a list (displayed as your plugin does by default)is useful and I usually prefer the first option especially if one answer would help another that follows etc.

    Well those are just my suggestions based on my trials so far.

    Once again thank you for sharing your plugin,for the hardwork that I’m sure has already gone into it and for making available this area to supply feedback and suggestions.

    All the best, kind regards Marie-Claire

    PS I am posting this here as the ‘support’ area in WordPress kept coming back and saying that i didn’t have sufficient permissions to post.


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  • Hello Marie-Claire!

    Wow! Thank you for taking the time to write such a thorough feedback post. I appreciate it.

    I will work on getting the ability to randomize the questions and/or answers for you.

    Hmmm…pop-up hints. I’ll have to ponder that one over to find a good way to implement that. I’ll try to get that one in soon for you too.

    I like the idea of the pop-up answer information. I’ll work on getting that feature in also.

    I understand the usefulness of having one question displayed at a time. Let me try out some ideas and then I’ll get that feature in for you.

    I am glad that you like the plugin. I will work on getting these features built in for you.

    Let me know if there is anything else you may need or want.

    Best Regards

    Frank Corso

    Thread Starter thelanguagetutors


    Lol, yes sorry, once i get started I usually have one or two ideas ?? Thanks for the reply, glad you like the ideas and that’s awesome that you’re going to have a look at implementing some of them, I’ll look forward to hearing how you’re going.

    All the best, kind regards Marie-Claire


    One thing – You’ve included “lang” directory but have not registered any textdomain. In that case – there is no way to localize Your plugin using CodeStyling Localization or so …
    Next thoing is that You’re using just a plain text and not _e() and __() functions … that’s limiting multilanguage ussage near to zero …

    Hi Barat,
    I am wondering how I use quiz master as a survey tool and get stats about answers from different quiz takers, here are the options I selected:
    Which system is this quiz graded on?
    Correct/Incorrect Points Not Graded
    Are the questions random? (Question Order will not apply if this is yes)
    No Yes
    Should we ask for user’s name?
    Yes Require No
    Should we ask for user’s business?
    Yes Require No
    Should we ask for user’s email?
    Yes Require No
    Should we ask for user’s phone number?
    Yes Require No
    Would you like a place for the user to enter comments?
    Yes No
    Send user email upon completion?
    Yes No
    Send admin email upon completion?
    Yes No
    What email should we send the admin email to?

    Hello Barat:

    I do plan on setting the plugin up for translation after I release the 1.0 update. I will the research the _e() and _() functions you mentioned to make the transition.

    Best Regards


    Hello davidmstewart:

    To use your quiz as a survey, set up your quiz with the options you would like. Then, add you questions. When adding the question, all you have to do it type in the question, leave all the answer fields blank, and then make sure to leave the comment field option set to either the small or large comment fields.

    Feel free to email me if you need further assistance.

    Best Regards



    In order to ensure everyone’s post gets addressed, please do not use this topic as a suggestion/feedback/question topic. This post is for Marie-Claire’s suggestions. If you need assistance or have suggestions, please use the support page in the plugin or create a new topic. Thank you.

    Best Regards


    Thread Starter thelanguagetutors


    Wow, I am privileged lol ??



    hey man. how would I go about comparing two quizzes? I mean, I wanna know what user A answered in quiz 01 and what he answered on quiz 02

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