Thank you sooo much Esmi! I really appreciate how much time you spent doing that for me.
I fixed the search issue. Still no button, but I might work it in there sometime.
I put my post date and info at the bottom of each post. Since my comment link is there anyway, I think it looks better having all that stuff in one place.
Made the blue links darker, except on the post title, I think the font is big enough that it’s okay, at least on my screen. How about yours?
I’ve been meaning to figure out how the H1 thing–I knew how to make the text indent and not show, but I couldn’t figure out how to make just that area of the header clickable. I was about to ask you, but I played around a little bit and figured it out!
Now my only issues–that weird footer thing I asked about in the other post, and the comment numbers are messed up in IE, but if I fix them there, they’ll look wrong in Firefox. Unless I’m missing something. (which I probably am!)
Thanks for the feedback. Any and all is welcome!