I have looked at this myself and found that if you use many of the themes it will not display on the main index page. This could be many reasons but it depends on the theme and how it is set up. Most themes have a set format or format guidelines for the main index page and all pages after that are the typical page setups with the themes options added (sidebar etc.). You could try adapting your files and find the text file that outlines your main index pages look, but if there are theme updates this will probably reset. So you may be out of luck unless Flare finds a way around this – or has suggested themes that it works with.
For other pages – again it may depend on your theme – but if you go to your Plugins page, find Flare, select edit (or at the bottom of your tool bar there is probably a Flare tab.
You will come to the Flare settings page which has Share, Follow, Metrics, etc. at the top. Scroll down until you see “Choose what you want your share bar to appear on”. Select the places that you want Flare to add their toolbar. Then just check your website to make sure it shows up the way you want.
If none of that works it could be many things, but probably your theme restricts the additions to each page.
Good Luck!