Feedzy stopped working after update
Hi, all our feed categories stopped working after update. They’re still there but the widgets say, “Sorry, this feed is currently unavailable or does not exist anymore.”
Hi, I have the same problem
I have the same issue with some feeds like https://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/world/africa/rss.xml, which suddenly no longer works – with error message
Sorry, this feed is currently unavailable or does not exist anymore.
, which made me check if BBC had changed or removed the feed, but it is there and in fact loads normally if opened in a browser like Firefox.
I have multiple feeds from diverse news sites, in varying formats.I am bit disappointed that a separate unrelated [to latest update] support request made 9 days ago today, regarding another type of feed that ceased working has up to now not yet been responded to. I am sure the developers, to whom we are grateful are busy, but at least some acknowledgement of the request would be appreciated.
I guess at least for the above type of feed I will revert to previous version for now, if I can get it.
This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by
The current plugin actually has a link to rolling back to previous version, which in my case immediately made the above feed load again.
It’d be great if support for the otherwise excellent plugin could be improved.
This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by
Yep, same problem here. Hope it gets fixed soon.
@xprt007 Thank you for the details. We have tried to test the shortcode (with feed URL as well as feed category) as well as the widget and we cannot reproduce the issue. Would you be able to provide more details?
Thank you for responding.
I have 2 issues with feeds with different url-endings I have from multiple news sources. After updating to v3.3.3. the feed https://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/world/africa/rss.xml ceased working & throws the error “Sorry, this feed is currently unavailable or does not exist anymore.”Here is a => screenshot
If I roll back to previous version 3.3.2, it promptly works again.
The feeds with urls ending .rdf like https://allafrica.com/tools/headlines/rdf/latest/headlines.rdf, https://www.spiegel.de/schlagzeilen/tops/index.rss, Google news feeds, etc have no problem with the update.
Then a second issue not connected to this particular update and is older in a separate support request made 10 days ago => https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/how-can-i-use-this-new-voice-of-america-radio-news-feed/, concerns the feed I get from the Voice of America site. There was a warning a couple months ago for a longtime appearing alongside then functioning feeds that the type of feed Voice of America was using was going to change but no further details.
Then about 2 weeks ago, I noticed it was no longer working.
The new feeds look like https://www.voanews.com/api/z-$otevtiq is ignored by the plugin.I was requesting for some help to get them to work. Probably you can have a look at that feed. More of those feeds on this US Gov site are here: https://www.voanews.com/rssfeeds
On the specific page in the screenshot, I actually have 2 feeds, that of BBC & VOA & in the past both worked, then the VOA ceased and then as explained, the current update makes the BBC one not work.
This is the shortcode on this page:.[feedzy-rss feeds="https://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/world/africa/rss.xml, https://www.voanews.com/api/z-$otevtiq" max="40" feed_title="yes" refresh="2_hours" sort="date_desc" meta="yes" summary="yes" summarylength="200"]
It’d be good if both issues could be addressed.
Thank you & best regards
Small update:
The link shows the page with the above shortcode as of today AFTER reverting back to v3.3.2 and as the above explanation says with the BBC feed working, but the VOA not, though the problem with the latter started before and is unrelated to current update. Up to a couple of weeks ago, both feeds worked.@xprt007 the shortcode works with only the BBC feed or only the VOA feed but does not work with both together. Please confirm if you find the same thing on your side.
Thank you for the follow-up.
Yes, I can confirm that both feeds work if they are used separately.Up to when the issue with the VOA feed came up, that shortcode as written above worked and I had the combined output of both feeds on the same page, hence the previous page description, which I have now changed and separated them – and also correspondingly updated the page urls.
I was fearing the option to combine feeds by separating them with a comma had been taken away, but it seems that this is only because of the specific VOA feed format as the BBC feed combined with any of the other 2 types mentioned above worked, also in the widget area.
So I have updated back to v3.3.3.
Many thanks.
I have been using Feedzy Lite and it was working previously. Now, I see an issue with a feed not being available, despite the fact that the link to the feed still works.
I am also seeing the “Sorry, this feed is currently unavailable or does not exist anymore” message on one of my feeds (the others still work). When I checked, the feed had still existed online, just not showing up on my page:
Also, I see a new forum post where someone is claiming it’s a great product. Can’t tell if this is a real user or not.
@xprt007 glad to know you got it sorted. We will look into how to support that weird VOA format.
@rachbeginner and @commontater can you please add more details to your issue? A screenshot of your widget or your shortcode at the very minimum would help. @commontater it is still a great product and like all great products it can suffer its share of glitches without taking away from its sheen ??
@rachbeginner and @commontater
Before my issue was solved, since I did not want to miss those feeds and I need to add I have several in different formats [“.rdf”, “rss.xml”, + an apparently troublesome type from a particular US Gov site etc] and from different sources & so not all were affected by the update, I reverted back to the previous version 3.3.2. You can do that with a simple click if you go to the plugins page on the dashboard and click the rollback link offered by Feedzy. It takes seconds.
I assume though the developer, as expressed above is looking into this and it’d go faster if you provided details. Not all feeds were affected in my case and I think it depends on the format or if one in a problematic format is involved. In my case I had combined 2 in one shortcode and it seems the problematic one prevents the expected output. The solution was creating 2 separate pages with 2 separate shortcodes.
Hi everyone, problem solved too after rollback. Thanks for the reply
@rachbeginner can you please provide details so that we can investigate the issue?
@rachbeginner @davidedica @xprt007 @commontater we have released a new version patching this issue.
This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by
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