+ 1 for “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘currentStyle’ of null” JavaScript error relating to WPUF loading with plupload.
Specifically I am seeing this error on the ‘edit’ page, I am using WPUF v1.2.3.
The strange thing is that when I click “Add another” to upload another attachment the popup file window does appear, and appears (uhuh) to work — and so therefore I assume ‘plupload’ is working.
The trouble is it appears to have killed the post_content editor’s “Add media” button — clicking this now does nothing!
I found the following lurking in my html head, but I can’t seem to find out where this is being loaded from (i.e. where it is being enqueued or attached to an action hook such as ‘wp_head’?!)
var wpuf_attachment = {"nonce":"dba594863a","number":"6","attachment_enabled":"1","plupload":{"runtimes":"html5,flash,html4","browse_button":"wpuf-attachment-upload-pickfiles","container":"wpuf-attachment-upload-container","file_data_name":"wpuf_attachment_file","max_file_size":"2097152b","url":"http:\/\/local.snip-domain.co.uk\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php?action=wpuf_attach_upload&nonce=8ff3a39f9b","flash_swf_url":"http:\/\/local.snip-domain.co.uk\/wp-includes\/js\/plupload\/plupload.flash.swf","filters":[{"title":"Allowed Files","extensions":"*"}],"multipart":true,"urlstream_upload":true}};
/* ]]> */
…is this relevant?