Hello @khanehfitness,
I will describe the process with an example:
Assuming there are two forms in a same page, and you want to use the fieldname1 field, in the first form, in the equations of second form.
– First, assign an unique class name to the fieldname1 field in the first form, for example: my-special-field
The class names are assigned to the fields through their attributes: “Add CSS Layout Keywords”
– Second, insert a hidden field in the second form (I’ll call it fieldname123) and assign to it a custom class name too: my-receptor-field
– Third, in the second form insert a “HTML Content” field with the following piece of code as its content:
jQuery(document).on('change', '.my-special-field input', function(){
jQuery('.my-receptor-field input').val(this.value).change();
– Finally, in the equations associated to the calculated fields in the second form, you can use now the fieldname123 as usual, because it is a field in the same form.
Best regards.