• Resolved Krzysztof Planeta



    For the whole day today I’ve been hard at work getting to know your framework and creating an admin page I needed. The thing is that for the last few hours I’ve been stuck at field validation.

    On your site it sais that the documentation on the topic is still under way and so everything I could find was the function validation_APF_Demo_verification_verify_text_field() from the Demo.

    My question is, are there any out of the box validation methods, like ‘no_html’, “only alpanumeric”, “url” , etc. that can be set while adding Settings Fields?

    If not, than are there any ways to use the above mentioned validation_ function to validate more than one field? Some of my fields need identical validation and writing the same thing 7 times is not the best thing ever.

    Please, point me in the right direction.

    Have a nice day,


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  • Plugin Author miunosoft


    Hi Chris,

    My question is, are there any out of the box validation methods, like ‘no_html’, “only alpanumeric”, “url” , etc. that can be set while adding Settings Fields?

    The framework does not provide such methods and you need to code to sanitize/validate those passed field values.

    If not, than are there any ways to use the above mentioned validation_ function to validate more than one field?

    Yes. I’ve posted a simple demo plugin for fields validation on Gist. It should be straightforward. See: https://gist.github.com/michaeluno/11385830

    Thread Starter Krzysztof Planeta


    Ok. I checked it however I have problems with error messages.

    When a field fails validation I set !$bVerified to false and add an appropriate message to the array aError like that:
    $aErrors[‘rest_general_texts_section’][‘rest_opening_hours’] = ‘Error msg txt’;

    At the end of validation function I check if there are any errors and run this: $this->setFieldErrors( $aErrors );

    The problem is that when there are more than 1 error only the first one gets an appropriate Error message in the admin.

    Am I doing anything wrong or is this a bug?

    Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it.

    Plugin Author miunosoft


    The problem is that when there are more than 1 error only the first one gets an appropriate Error message in the admin.

    Am I doing anything wrong or is this a bug?

    I’ve updated the post on Gist to demonstrate multiple field error messages. You can see how they are set.

    Thread Starter Krzysztof Planeta


    I’ve updated the post on Gist to demonstrate multiple field error messages. You can see how they are set.

    Yup. This is what I was doing before. I’m sending you my plugin that uses your framework so that you might try to reproduce the problem > https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16604210/cp-extra-admin-pages.zip

    All my code is in cp-extra-admin-pages.php. I’ts nicely formatted and commented so you won’t get lost. I’ve modified line 23 so that it uses capability that you have on your installation (I’m using a custom capability).

    After installing the plugin you will see a new admin page under Appearance menu. Data in all the fields in the first tab is validated. You may want to put in a few of those fields a “*” character to see (or not) the error messages.

    They should show up above all the fields but in my case they show up only above the first one. I double and tripple checked the regex expressions and they are good. If you don’t believe me you might want to put “true” instead of them in the “if” checks.

    I hope I’m not wasting your time and this is a bug that I’ve encountered.

    Have a nice day,

    Plugin Author miunosoft


    Hi Chris,

    You have typos in variable names in the validation callback method on line #272, #278 etc.

    if( isset( $NewInput['rest_seo_name']) ){

    $NewInput should match the variable name set in the parameter.

    Though you are using $sNewInput. I suggest you change it to $aNewInput as the passed data is an array. The s prefix implies that the variable is a string whereas the a prefix is for arrays. The validation_{instantiated class name}_{section id}_{field id} filter receives the value as a string while the other validation filters receive the values in an array.

    Hope it helps!

    Thread Starter Krzysztof Planeta


    Wow. Everything’s fine now. Thank you and I appologize for wasting your time. I spent a few hours checking all the vars and thought I checked everything. You’ve been a great help.

    Plugin Author miunosoft


    Glad it helped!

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