• i have seen many support tickets and they all come to this page https://contactform7.com/file-uploading-and-attachment/ with no helpfull info

    i am trying the file upload in the form a small picture

    [file file-557 limit:5mb filetypes:jpeg|jpg|png]

    and u receive the picture name without any picture attached

    i check the folder /wp-content/uploads/wpcf7_uploads
    this is always empty and has in it some .htaccess file “Deny from all” that gets autogenerated by wpcf7

    i tried using that wp-config.php edit define( ‘WPCF7_UPLOADS_TMP_DIR’, ‘/your/file/path’ ); with custom path with no success

    i researched many different tutorials but they were all very old.

    How can i fix this?

    php version 5.6
    wp 4.4.2
    wpcf7 latest version

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