• Resolved wp-MeMeMe


    I am registering a connection as shown below. The admin box shows up, and I can add or delete connections. But the fields do not show up.

    I have tried different file types (text, checkbox, select) none of them are displayed.

    It’s as if the fields block is not being run.

    p2p_register_connection_type( array(
    	'name' => 'post_to_toys',
    	'from' => 'post',
    	'to' => 'toys',
    	'sortable'   => 'any',
            'reciprocal' => false,
            'admin_box' => array(
                'show' => 'any',
                'context' => 'normal',
                'can_create_post' => true,
    		'fields' => array(
                         'toy-type' => array(
                         'title' => 'Type',
    	             'type' => 'select',
                         'values' => array( 'details' , 'review' ),
    	             'default' => 'review'
            'admin_column' => 'any'
    	) );


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  • Plugin Author scribu


    That’s because ‘fields’ should be outside of the ‘admin_box’ array.

    Since these fields only show up in the admin box, maybe it would make sense to move them inside ‘admin_box’ block.

    Thread Starter wp-MeMeMe


    Thank you! They do show up now.

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