• Resolved Oliver Campion



    We have discovered that when using the PayPal payment method that is built into the WooCommerce plugin, the input field is not shown on the “New Order” email that we are sent.

    However, if the “WooCommerce PayPal Payments” or the “WooCommerce Stripe Gateway” plugins are used the field is shown on the “New Order” email.

    Unfortunately we cannot use “WooCommerce Stripe Gateway” because it has a bug that prevents some users from paying.

    Please advise how we can get the input field to show on the “New Order” email when using the default PayPal payment method that is built into the WooCommerce plugin.

    Thank you,


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  • Plugin Support oluisrael


    @domainsupport, Can you please add this patch to your site and let me know if anything changes? The file path is product-input-fields-for-woocommerce/includes/class-alg-wc-pif-main.php.

      Thread Starter Oliver Campion


      Great, thank you, I have installed the patch and will update you if it works when we next get a sale …

      Thread Starter Oliver Campion


      Just had a sale via PayPal and I’m afraid to report that the issue persists and the field is not shown on the “New Order” email.

      Please advise.

      Thread Starter Oliver Campion


      Oh, hang on! It is working! I do apologise! Thank you!


      Plugin Support oluisrael


      @domainsupport, thank you for the feedback.

      Hey @oluirael, Just popping by to say I had the exact same issue. Thanks for the patch file above – it fixed the issue. However, if you could PLEASE release the patch as an update to the plugin that would be greatly appreciated. It’s not ideal to have to come to the support forum and manually install a patch, a month after the issue was brought to your attention. Thanks ??

      Thread Starter Oliver Campion


      @conorseed Agreed, this needs to put pushed out please. Wordfence is not amused ??

      Modified plugin file: wp-content/plugins/product-input-fields-for-woocommerce/includes/class-alg-wc-pif-main.php

      Type: File

      Found 7th December 2023 9:02am


      Plugin Support oluisrael


      @conorseed @domainsupport, thank you for the feedback provided on this matter. We initially planned to add this to the next major update, v1.7.0 to be precise, but seeing how important it is, I’ll relay this to my team so we can roll out a minor update to address this particular issue and also make it easier for others in the same situation to have the issue fixed.

      Thank you once again for your inputs.

      Thread Starter Oliver Campion


      Thank you but I find it strange that the topic has been marked as “resolved” when as it stands the fix has not yet been published.

      Plugin Support oluisrael


      @domainsupport, we will officially roll out a minor update with the fix for the issue added to it next Tuesday.

      Plugin Support oluisrael


      Hi @domainsupport @conorseed,

      I trust you are well.

      I am writing to let you know that we have rolled out an update with the patch for the issue you reported some months back. All you need to do is update the plugin to the latest version and you’re good to go.

      Happy Holidays!

      Thread Starter Oliver Campion


      Thank you!


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