• Resolved Engine44



    The Media Library lists the images used on the site. However, using Filezilla, the image files listed on the server don’t match. There are many more files showing on the server. I cleared the server cache but the mismatch continues. What might cause this? Thanks.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Jan Dembowski. Reason: Moved to Fixing WordPress, this is not an Everything else WordPress topic
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  • WordPress generates different sized image file – so it is efficient when it delivers images.

    For example abcd.jpg may result in abcd-150×150.jpg abcd-400×400.jpg abcd-1200×1200.jpg for instance ( the number and sizes will vary depending on site / theme settings )

    Is that what you are seeing?

    A typical WP site would have 5 times as many actual files than entries in media.

    Thread Starter Engine44


    I’m talking about a difference in the listing of files in Media Library and the Hosts Server.

    So was I ??

    By default WordPress stores images in wp-content/uploads/yyyy/mm where yyyy is year and mm is month

    For each entry in media there are multiple file sizes

    perhaps if that is not what you are talking about, share a screen shot via any image sharing url ( hide any sensitive data this is public ) to clarify what you are talking about.

    in the listing of files in Media Library

    The media library doesn’t list files BTW, it lists entries in the media library which are database entries – Posts of type ‘attachment’ see https://developer.www.ads-software.com/themes/basics/post-types/

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Alan Fuller.
    Thread Starter Engine44



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