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  • Plugin Author Michael Wang


    1, The plugin do have a functional to downsize images to some dimensions. just like you said. please try Maximum-Picture-Size of Filter Options, and your server php version need higher than 5.3.

    2, I get it, i’ll see what i can do.

    Hi there!

    1. Oopps. Sorry – great! Seems it wasn’t worked. Reinstalled it, hope it will now.

    I essential time-keeping proposal:

    Is it possible to add check-box to grab images from links like:×163.jpg

    Let me explain:
    Me or my writers collecting images to be inserted in articles.
    With option indicated before we saving at least 30 seconds per image – no need to push “add media-…..”. And no need to wait preview to be loaded, and all other stuff.
    And than: multiply 30 seconds, which is 0.5 minutes per, example 30 images in my article: it is 15!!!!!!! minutes just for image inserting.
    Even if somebody with very fast fingers spending 15 seconds – it is still 7.5 minutes per article.

    I hope it is possible, and at a glance it seems no such a big effort to implement: just add option\checkbox to parse link like https://blah-blah-blah.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|whatever else image format exists)

    I’m sure many people will appreciate it, not only us producing articles with huge amount of images ??

    Plugin Author Michael Wang


    I’m not sure, is that you want to selectivity grab links?

    I mean:
    1) I’m on some page, I right-cliked on image on “Copy image address”
    2) In my blog than I’m doing ctrl+v in my article, and it appears as hyper-link, not as image.
    3) On save draft or publish button, it grabs all linked images.

    Plugin Author Michael Wang


    You mean change

    <img src="" />


    <a href=""><img src="" /></a>


    I mean while I’m doing ctrl+v some copied source picture – it inserts in WYWYG WordPress editor like hyperlink to an image.

    Let me try to explain:

    What I mean, your importer works now only with this:
    <img src="" />

    It is impossible to get on right-click over the picture on any site. Or Safari and Chrome are not capable of this – whatever ??

    And I propose – your plugin can have options to grab&catch this:

    Pasting link from Safari:
    <a href="">Facebook-Cover-Photo-Red-Bull2-345x163.jpg</a>

    Pasting link from Chrome:

    Plugin Author Michael Wang


    Okay, i get it, grab all image links, not only detecting img elements.

    Seems like a hard works, i’ll see what i can do.

    Huh… I thought it was almost the same.
    Just detect in the end of link (what else images exists for today?)


    If it matches, than grab whole link with it, and that’s all…
    But I’m on my start with coding, so can be wrong.

    Plugin Author Michael Wang


    Not that simple, detect and grab images is easy, but those image has multiple format, how to replace them to new format with no wrong is a difficult thing.

    Hm. Got it. Didn’t think about it from this PoV.
    Anyway, you are doing great job!

    One more follow up:
    About renaming filenames in asian characters – it could be useful to also add option with Cyrillic characters as well (Russia, Bulgaria, etc – it is also gibberish in URL :-)).
    Free plugin CyrToLAt has all necessary characters and algorithms in it. Seem just need to implement it inside.

    Plugin Author Michael Wang


    Ok, thanks.

    In the morning, I just thought, why wouldn’t you copy img directly?

    you can directly copy images from any pages, then pasting to visual mode of editor. not just a img link.

    I mean don’t use right-click to get img url ,that’s not a good way. select the img and ctrl+c, just like copy text.

    This works, but brings with it some garbage like this:
    <div class="post-thumbnail">

    Plugin Author Michael Wang


    I think keep code like that is not a big deal. but use program to handle all images url, i consider might would make a big mess up.

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