• Hello,
    this is probably a problem that affects all frontend forms regardless of the plugin used.

    your plugin does not understand what happens when you send images via a form it cannot intercept and rename the uploads the first time.

    I use the jetengine solution
    but you can use any other free plugin,
    here is a free from the same editor I tested too.

    look at the photo from the upload folder (maybe you will have a different folder but it’s the same result)
    -on the left what the post displays once published
    -on the right when I edit it and I click on update


    of course it is not possible to ask the user to reddit and update their posts twice …

    Edit Form

    an instruction must be missing for your plugin to understand what is going on and identify the forms

    This might help you, I encountered the same problem with the watermark plugin
    he can’t understand what’s going on outside the backend

    so result uploads via my forms (probably all forms) are not renamed and watermarked

    even if I choose Allowed all post types

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