• Resolved jamminjames


    We’ve been using WordPress File Upload with the NextGen gallery for years, and it’s been working great. However, recently it’s not working quite right. We have an “Upload Instance” set up, and the shortcode is:

    [wordpress_file_upload uploadid="3" multiple="false" uploadpath="gallery/user-cartoons" fitmode="responsive" placements="title/filename+selectbutton/userdata/filelist/message/uploadbutton" notify="true" notifyrecipients="%userdata2%" notifyheaders="Content-Type: text/html" notifysubject="Your Humor Times File Upload" notifymessage="Hello,%n%%n%This is an automatic delivery message to notify you that your file, %dq%%filename%,%dq% was successfully uploaded to Humor Times %dq%%pagetitle%.%dq%%n%%n%If deemed acceptable by the editors, your cartoon will be posted in the gallery soon. Please check back back and share the gallery widely, using the share buttons provided.%n%%n%Thank you!%n%Humor Times staff" widths="plugin:100%" userdata="true" userdatalabel="Description|t:text|s:top|r:0|a:1|p:none|d:/Email|t:email|s:top|r:1|a:0|v:1|p:right|d:|g:0" nextgen="true" ngg_galleryid="18" ngg_description="%userdata1%" ngg_alttext="Humor Times, reader cartoon" ngg_tags="Reader cartoon" ngg_exclude="true"]

    The ngg_exclude="true" setting used to work, but the uploaded images are no longer marked as excluded in NextGen. I’ve tried re-saving the instance.

    Other recent problems: The thumbnail is not being generated in Nextgen, and the emails don’t seem to be going out as set up. How can these settings be fixed? Thanks!

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  • Thread Starter jamminjames


    *bump* – can I get some help on this? Thanks!

    Plugin Author nickboss


    Good morning, please check this article:


    The latest version of NextGEN has a bug. If you downgrade to the version mentioned in the article the problem should be fixed.

    Best Regards


    Plugin Author nickboss


    Some update. I just noticed that they have corrected the problem. Try the latest version of NextGEN. If it doesn’t work, then downgrade to 3.4.1.


    Thread Starter jamminjames


    We’re still having this problem. NextGen says they fixed the issue you said they had a bug about, as they say in the thread linked above: “I am happy to inform you that the issue with Class “C_NggLegacy_Thumbnail” not being found is already resolved. Please feel free to update to the latest NextGen Gallery 3.57.”

    We are now running NextGen Gallery 3.58. So it appears the problem is with how WordPress File Upload is connecting to NextGen.

    Plugin Author nickboss


    Good morning, it seems that they have not completely fixed the problem. Here is the fatal error generated now:

    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class “C_Exif_Writer” not found in …/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/legacy_compat/package.module.legacy_compat.php:1939″

    Their code is making use of C_Exif_Writer class which does not exist (they probably removed it accidentally after version 3.4.1).

    I sent them a message.

    Best Regards


    Thread Starter jamminjames


    Great, thanks!

    Thread Starter jamminjames


    Seems to have been working well for a while now, thanks!

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