Hi @dsl225
I hope you’re well today!
It’s not exactly possible to use them as only attachments (without storing them at all, even for short) but you can do this:
1. edit your “upload” field and in “Settings” set “Show files in media library” option to “Disable” – files won’t be added to media library
View post on imgur.com
2. in e-mail notification serttings select “Uplaoded files” instead of “none” for “attachments” option – file(s) will be attached to e-mail
View post on imgur.com
3. in form “Settings” (form, not Forminator) set “Submission Files” option to “Delete” – to make sure that files are deleted when submission is deleted
4. and finally, in Forminator “Settings -> Submissions” set as short submission retention as possible.
This isn’t an ideal solution, I understand, but would “minimize” file storage as much as possible.
Another option could be to set the form the same way but also use this additional code to change the path (folder) where Forminator uploads the files to
and then set some server cron job to regularly empty that folder (e.g. every hour or so). This way you could actually clean-up files without removing other submission data.
Best regards,